SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0366: The Lord instigates the trigunas at appropriate times

Nārāyaṇāyah namah

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Just as fire which inherently exists in wood is ignited using the friction method, supremely knowledgeable Jnānis through deep Self-analysis throw out the feelings of non-self (anātma) from within them and realize the Lord who exists as Pure Consciousness in the intellect (buddhi). With this, they give up their individual existence and merge into Him”.

Swamiji explains: First and foremost non-Self objects (anātma, that which is not the Self) should be distanced. Through in-depth Self-inquiry, learned scholars come to a conclusion about what is Self (atma) and what is non-self (anatma).

“When the Supreme Lord decides to create the universe filled with innumerable living beings, then, with the help of His illusionary energy (māya) which is composed of the three attributes of Nature (trigunas), He instigates the traits of action (rajas)”.

It is His intent which determines the type of body, birth and destiny of every living entity. He decides whether in that birth the living entity should be equipped with material comforts and happiness or not. Although destiny in a particular lifetime is the outcome of the fruitive actions of his/her previous births, His intent influences it. What to give, how much to give in that birth He decides.

His illusory power (māya) is equipped with the three attributes (trigunās). Among them, He instigates the traits of action (rajas) in the body at the beginning of creation. The word ‘pura’ refers to the gross body. Another word for it is nagaram- Nagaram nagaram Nārāyaṇa nagaram. In this city called body there are many doors. How has this city been constructed, what causes this city to walk and talk, how does the Lord who is seated within this city behave?

“When the Lord decides to sport within this city (body) created by Him, He instigates the traits of goodness (sattva)”.

When He decides that He wants to see himself as living in a body i.e. when he wants to maintain the body so as to go through life’s experiences (sports), He gives importance to traits of goodness (sattva). Incarnations as Rama, Krishna etc. are examples of Lord who has manifested in a physical human form. It is the Lord who enters every living entity. “When the Lord decides to sleep He then influences the trait of inertia/ ignorance (tamas)”.

Remember that the Lord has entered into each and every living entity as illusionary energy (māya shakti). Seated within, when He decides to sleep He instigates the trait called tamas. These are traits of inertia, ignorance, dullness, laziness etc. When these traits are given importance, then slowly the person feels his head is heavy and dull. He no longer wants to think. Gradually he sinks into deep sleep. Individual’s sleep is also a sport of that Divine Lord. No one sleeps due to his own efforts. The living entity has no independence even in this.

Spiritual ignorance (ajnana) means to be filled with feelings of ‘I and mine’. Only a person who is eager to obtain Self-knowledge will understand this subject that I am now explaining. Others will fail to grasp.

When traits of tamas increase, the person will be sleepy and forgetful. He will also forget about his existence.

“Through Nature (Prakriti) and Puruṣa (Self) which are the cause, the Supreme Lord creates this entire universe which is filled with names and forms”.

Swamiji explains: We believe that the union of man and woman leads to birth of a child. But then, how was universe created? There was no man and no woman at that time. The Supreme Lord created this entire universe which is filled with names and forms. It is filled with innumerable living entities.

In our opinion only the union of a male and female of any species leads to further creation within that species be it an insect, worm, animal, bird, human. We think this is union of Prakṛti (woman) and Puruṣa (man). However in reality the act called union of Prakṛti and Puruṣa is itself the Lord! It is God who causes the new creation to emerge from the union. The mother undergoes severe labour pains to deliver a child. If God were nonexistent how could she produce from her womb a new creation that is filled with bones, muscles, blood etc.? At time of delivery both the mother and the fetus within undergo unexplainable sufferings. For 9 months the fetus swims in urine and fecal matter, will be tormented by excessive ignorance, hunger etc. The fetus kicks the mother.

Nārāyaṇāya namah
