SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0365: Inner churning is essential for Self-knowledge to arise

Maharishi Śuka replied,

“Sādhu pṛṣṭaṁ mahārāja hareś caritam adbhutam Yad bhāgavata-māhātmyaṁ bhagavad-bhakti-vardhanam

O Emperor! Your question is truly laudable. You have enquired about the stories of Lord Srihari which always cause astonishment to one and all. The stories of Lord Srihari cause a spurt in devotion towards Him. The greatness of His devotees has been elaborated in it. Maharishi Nārada and others keep singing the glories of this Supreme Lord. Offering obeisance to Maharishi Vedavyasa I shall now narrate those stories to you”.

Nārada eternally chants, ‘Nārāyaṇa, Nārāyaṇa, Nārāyaṇa Hari Govinda’. Irrespective of the time and situation he endlessly chants the Lord’s name.

“The Supreme Lord is beyond illusion (māya). He is devoid of traits (nirguṇa). He is birthless and is devoid of carrier called body. He is the shelter for the three attributes of Nature (triguṇas) which arise from His illusionary energy (māya)”.

Although it appears as if He too is enveloped by illusion, the truth is that He is beyond illusion but only offers refuge to it.

“O Emperor! The triguṇās (traits of goodness, passion, ignorance) pertain only to Nature (Prakŗti). In no way are they connected to the Self (atma, Puruśa). The three attributes (traits of goodness, passion, ignorance) cannot flourish or diminish simultaneously. The Lord’s actions are always suited to the time and need of the hour”.

We should not apply our logic to His actions. His actions are totally in tune with the requirement of the time and situation. To each He shows His Vibhuti differently. His actions cannot be deciphered.

“When traits of goodness (sattva) rule, He favours Devatas and Maharishis. At times when traits of passion/ action (rajas) prevail, He blesses demons who are totally inclined towards material sensory pleasures. At times when traits of ignorance /inertia (tamas) rule, He blesses Yakshas and rakshasas (ghosts and spirits) who are filled with tamas (ignorance).

Similar to the five basic elements, the Supreme Lord illumines through innumerable forms. However the ignorant human being is unable to understand that the Lord, although existing with the body, mind and senses as the Self (atma), is different from them all. How can such ignorant human ever understand the Lord’s illusion?”

Swamiji explains: The Lord shows His glories differently based on the trait which is flourishing at that particular time. At the time when ignorance (tamas) is set to flourish He causes the spurt in it. When rajas (traits of passion) is set to flourish, he causes an increase in those traits.

“Just as fire which inherently exists in wood is ignited through friction, supremely knowledgeable Jnānis through deep Self-analysis throw out the feelings of non-Self (anātma) and realize the Lord who exists as Pure Consciousness in the intellect (buddhi). With this, they give up their individual existence and merge into Him”.

Swamiji explains: Fire inherently exists within wood although it remains invisible. Only when one log is rubbed against another log, the fire which exists inherently is ignited. In the absence of friction, the inherent fire could not burn down the wood. Friction caused the fire, which was contained inherently within the wood, to burn and disintegrate the wood. Likewise, self-inquiry is the friction, the churning. Knowledge inherently exists within. **Through rigorous churning called Self-enquiry, the knowledgeable person discards the non-Self objects in the creation, experientially realizes the Lord who exists as Pure Consciousness within the intellect and merges into Him. **

With Guru’s help, one should begin Self-inquiry. This friction will cause Self-knowledge to come to the surface. In the process, all the impurities such as passion and ignorance are eliminated and only traits of goodness (sattva) thrives. Just as the wood itself is discarded when fire is ignited, with rise in Self-knowledge, non-Self objects are thrown out.

Vāsudevaya namah
