SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0363: Introduction to Seventh skanda

**Seventh Canto **

Nārasimhāya namah

This Skanda (Canto) is the shoulder of the universal Lord. Each Canto is one limb in the Universal form of the Lord. Although all limbs are equally important, shoulder and arms in particular remind us that He destroyed the demons. His arms add to His splendor.

The story of Prahlada, the supreme-most devotee of the Lord, has been explained in greatest detail in this Canto. Many important subjects which are useful for entire mankind, irrespective of their caste and location, are contained herein. Supreme secretive knowledge is found in this canto. The relationship between father and son and that between a Guru and his disciple are beautifully brought out. How should a disciple behave towards his Guru? What is the way in which a Guru imparts knowledge to his disciple?

How should a father behave with his son? How should he lead his life if he wants his son to walk on the noble righteous path? It is said that a father should be a friend to his son. Their relationship should be like a Guru and devotee. Only when father and son maintain such friendly relationship their lives will be peaceful. The father should help the son tread the sattvik path. In accordance to the tastes of his son he should align and ensure that his son treads the righteous path.

When the son goes astray it is said that the father should punish the son in a way that doesn’t cause him pain. All these relationships are beautifully brought out through the many stories herein.

To that Lord who has created the universe, due to whose intention everything moves in this universe, what is that is dear? From the stories herein we understand that the Supreme Lord dearly loves his ardent devotee. “Oh, God loves this very much. He likes this very much”- we often state. But among what we declare there is nothing He truly loves. To Him, who has created everything, what is it that He can want? What is it that He will hold in high esteem? To Him only his devotee is most dear!

This Canto has 15 chapters. The nine types of devotion taught by the supreme devotee Prahlada is contained in this Canto. He did not actually preach the nine types of devotion. But though example he showed how to lead a life filled with nine types of devotion. Hence it is said that this Canto is of utmost importance to devotees. Let us now begin this Canto and enjoy the stories.

Sri Krishna parabrahmaṇe namah

Seventh Canto Chapter One

In this chapter the conversation between Maharishi Nārada and Yudhisthira, the story of Jaya-Vijaya and the introduction to Prahlāda’s story are covered.

Emperor Parikshit enquired from Maharishi Śuka, “O revered saint! The Supreme Lord who causes the well-being of all living entities and who is a form of love does not distinguish between living entities considering one person as his friend and another as his enemy. He can never consider one person as his relative and dislike another. In His eyes everyone is equal. Creation and dissolution are equal in His eyes.

How could He then, like a person who is filled with feelings of differences, act on behalf of Indra and destroy demons, who were Indra’s enemies? Indra is the Lord of all Devatas. As the Lord of Devatas, Indra is filled with feelings of goodness. What is it that protects these traits of goodness? Needless to say, the Supreme Lord protects such person. Therefore He will create a situation by which He can be of help to Indra”.

Narayanaya namah
