SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0362: Pumsavana ritual.. contd.

Maharishi Śuka is explaining the details of Pumsavana vrata.

The person should pray, “O Lord, You are the Lord of illusory energy (māyā shakti). While you exist in the form of Yagna, Goddess Lakshmi exists the in the form of Yagna- activities (Yagna kriya). While You exist as the individual entity who experiences the results of all fruitive actions, Goddess Lakshmi exists as the energy of action (kriya shakti). If Lakshmi manifests as the attributes of goodness, action and ignorance (trigunas), You are the Pure Consciousness who illumines the three attributes (trigunas) and experiences them. If You are the Self that exists within the living entity, Goddess Lakshmi manifests as his body, senses and mind.

If Goddess Lakshmi exists as the varied names and forms, You are the Supreme Self who illumines those names and forms and are their refuge.

Yathā yuvāṁ tri-lokasya varadau parameṣṭhinau Tathā ma uttamaśloka santu satyā mahāśiṣaḥ

O Srihari! You are of pure reputation. You and Goddess Lakshmi are the Supreme Lords who fulfill all the desires in all the 3 worlds. Therefore, may my greatest desire be fulfilled by Your grace’.

The woman who has undertaken the vow of completing this ritual, should thus worship Goddess Lakshmi and Srihari and then should offer them food (naivedya) and water for acamana. Thereafter she should worship them again. Then, with a heart that is overflowing with devotion, she should chant the hymns, smell the remnants of food offered (naivedya) and then once again worship Srihari with utmost devotion.

With the belief that her husband is the form of the Supreme Lord, she should worship him. The husband should be filled with feelings of love towards his wife and should gift her with objects of her desire. He should support her in all her tasks, irrespective of whether they are big or small.

Between the couple it is enough if any one takes up this ritual. The benefit of the ritual will equally accrue to both. If the wife is incapacitated or weak, the husband should continue the ritual with a firm dedicated mind.

It is imperative for the worshipper to be vigilant against any mistakes and impediments that could hamper the completion of the Yagna. The lady who has undertaken this vow should not deviate from the disciplines at any cost. With absolute devotion, she should worship Vedic Brahmin scholars, married women and Lord Srihari with flower garlands, sandal paste, food and ornaments.

After duly completing the puja she should, through prescribed Vedic procedures, send Srihari back to his home. Then seeking fulfillment of her desire she should reverentially consume the remnants of the food offered to Srihari (naivedya).

The chaste woman should observe this ritual in that year wherein adhika māsa (extra month) is absent. Finally, on the last day, i.e. on Kartika amavasya (new moon day of Kartika month which comes around November) she should fast completely.

Next morning she should awaken in the early hours of the morning ,bathe and worship Srihari as per the procedures. Then she should prepare milk pudding (payasam). Her husband should offer 12 pudding balls into the homa fire, together with ghee.

With great happiness and with utmost reverence the couple should accept the blessings showered upon them by the Brahmin vedic scholars. They should offer obeisance to these learned scholars and with their permission they should take the prasadam.

Taking on the vow of silence, the husband should, together with his relatives and under the guidance of the ācharya (main priest), complete the homa. He should offer the remaining payasam to his wife. Due to this prasadam, they will be blessed with a noble son and with all forms of auspiciousness.

Etac caritvā vidhivad vrataṁ vibhor abhīpsitārthaṁ labhate pumān iha Strī caitad āsthāya labheta saubhagaṁ śriyaṁ prajāṁ jīva-patiṁ yaśo gṛham

The man who diligently abides by this ritual will definitely fulfill whatever he had deeply desired. The woman who abides by this ritual will obtain prosperity, auspiciousness, a long life for her husband, fame and good home.

If a young unmarried maiden follows this ritual she will get a husband who is of virtuous character. If a woman who has no husband and no son abides by this ritual then all her impurities will be washed away. If a woman who has lost her child observes this ritual she will be blessed with a son who has a long life. Moreover all forms of prosperity will be obtained by her. If an unfortunate woman conducts this ritual she will be rewarded with fortune.

If an ugly woman undertakes this ritual she will be blessed with great beauty. If a diseased person abided by this ritual then not only is he freed from disease but in addition he will be rewarded with healthy, powerful senses.

During the time when Yagnas, charities and other meritorious deeds are being performed if the aspirant reads this chapter then it will be auspicious for him. By reading this, the fore-fathers (pitr Devatas) will be immensely happy.

Tuṣṭāḥ prayacchanti samasta-kāmān homāvasāne huta-bhuk śrī-hariś ca

Upon completion of the homa, the fore-fathers, Srihari who is the enjoyer of the homa-offerings as well as Goddess Lakshmi will be extremely pleased. They will fulfill all the desires.

O Emperor Parikshit! I have narrated to you the meritorious story of the birth of Maruts and also the details of the supreme ritual undertaken by Diti” said Maharishi Śuka. With this the Sixth Canto comes to an end.
