SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0359: Diti seeks a son who can kill Indra

“From Diti’s womb 49 Marut-gaṇās were born. None of them had any sons. Indra gave them a position equal to him” said Maharishi Śuka.

Emperor Parikshit then questioned, “O Gurudeva! By birth Maruts were demonic. How could they destroy their demonic tendencies and acquire a position equal to Indra? What were their pious deeds which elevated them? O revered saint! Along with me these Maharishis present here also dedicatedly seek to know this. Please explain this to us in great detail.”

Hearing the question put forth by Parikshit, the omniscient Maharishi Śuka, the son of Vyasa, was very pleased. He applauded Parikshit for the question and then said,

“O Emperor! Indra had Lord Srihari’s support. Srihari killed Diti’s sons Hiraṇyakaśipu and Hiraṇyākṣa. With this Diti was drowned in grief and was boiling in anger. She thought, “Wicked Indra has caused the death of his cousins. He is totally inclined towards sensory pleasures. He is hard-hearted and cruel. When will I kill him and rest peacefully with a calm mind, I wonder?

Upon death, even the bodies of rulers who are revered by others transform into insects, feces and ash. He who causes harm to other living entities so as to fulfill the wants of such body fails to understand the real goal of life. As a result, he ends in hell. Indra who considers this body as permanent behaves ruthlessly per his whims. I want to beget a son who will quell his pride”.

With this desire, she obediently and lovingly served her husband. Through her sense-restraint she pleased him. Understanding his requirements with humility she duly fulfilled them all. With a charming smile, loving speech and her tender gaze, she stole his heart.

Although Kaśyapa was intelligent, he was drawn by the charms of his wife who kept him in her sway. Captivated by her he ignorantly agreed to fulfill her desire. In matters pertaining to women such activities do not cause astonishment.

In the beginning of creation, Lord Brahma observed that all living entities were aloof and unattached. Therefore, he transformed half his body into that of a woman. From then on, women have always been stealing the hearts of men.

Kaśyapa was extremely pleased with Diti who, having captivated his mind, was offering him services with love and humility. Applauding her he said, “O beautiful one! You are totally flawless. I am supremely pleased with you. Please seek any boon of your choice. When a husband is pleased, what is it that a wife cannot obtain from him in this world? Vedas declare that for a woman her husband is God.

Lakshmi’s husband Vāsudeva resides as the Self within the hearts of all living entities. Human beings worship this Supreme Lord Srihari in varied names and forms and in the form of different Devatas. Woman worships her husband considering him to be a form of Srihari.

O beautiful one! Women who seek auspiciousness consider serving their husband as a supreme vrata (ritual). With love they offer him services. They see Srihari, who resides as the Self in all living entities, in their husband.

O Kalyani! With utmost devotion and love you have served me dutifully. Therefore I shall grant you a special boon which cannot be obtained by an unchaste woman. Seek what you want.”

Diti addressed her husband and said, “O Maharishi, Indra has killed both my sons. Please bless me with a son who will destroy Indra. My son should be deathless. If you truly seek to give me a boon, then this is what I seek.”

Hearing this, Maharishi Kaśyapa was shattered. He thought, “Today I am trapped in a moral dilemma. I am about to commit an unrighteous deed. Today, illusion has taken on a form of a woman and put me in her sway. I am the wretched person who has got attached to sensory pleasures. Very soon I shall fall into hell.

This lady has behaved exactly in accordance to a woman’s nature. She is not at fault. I am the ignorant fool who has forgotten the ultimate goal of life. Oho! What a pity! I am that despicable person who could not conquer his senses.

A woman’s face glows like a winter lotus. Her words are nectarous to the ears. Nevertheless her heart is like a sharpened sword. Who can ever understand the activities of a woman? Women who consider their selfish desires as most supreme can never ever love anyone dearly. To fulfill that selfish desire, they will not hesitate to eliminate their husband, brothers and sons.

Now I have made a promise from which I cannot back out. However, Indra does not deserve to be killed. Therefore I have to find an apt remedy from this predicament”. Having pondered over the matter, Maharishi Kaśyapa addressed Diti and said, “O auspicious lady! If you diligently abide by the vrata (ritual) that I will now initiate you into, then you will beget a son who will kill Indra”.

Diti said, “O Maharishi I am willing to abide by that ritual. What are the disciplines that I should abide by? What are the activities that are forbidden during this period? How should I protect my vrata (ritual) and ensure it is duly completed? Please tell me.

Maharishi Kaśyapa replied, “O Diti, please listen to the rules of this ritual. You should not injure or harm (himsa) any living entity. You cannot abuse them either. Neither should you tell lies, nor should you cut your hair or nails. You cannot bite your nails. You cannot cut your hair to appear fashionable. You cannot touch impure objects. You can pour water over your body but you cannot enter waters to bathe”.

Upendrāya namah
