SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0348: The story of Vŗtta’s past birth

At that moment Maharishis arrived. Under their guidance he took the vow to complete Ashwamedha Yāga to appease Lord Srihari. Together with these exalted Brahmins Indra duly completed the Yāga and worshipped the Supreme Lord, who is an embodiment of all deities.

This supreme story of Vṛtta’s death which glorifies the Supreme Lord from whose lotus feet River Ganga originates and which extols the supreme devotion of his worthy devotees absolves the listener of all his sins. In this story Indra absolving himself from his sin and his achieving great victory are covered.

Paṭheyur ākhyānam idaṁ sadā budhāḥ Śṛṇvanty atho parvaṇi parvaṇīndriyam Dhanyaṁ yaśasyaṁ nikhilāgha-mocanaṁ ripuñjayaṁ svasty-ayanaṁ tathāyuṣam

This story which is a repository for all auspiciousness, blesses the listener with sensory strength, fame, prosperity, longevity and victory over enemies. It absolves him totally from all his sins. Hence learned scholars listen or chant this story everyday or at least on important festive days.

With this the thirteenth chapter of the Sixth Canto comes to an end.

Sixth Canto Chapter Fourteen

In this chapter the story of Vṛtta’s previous birth and Chitraketu agonizing due to separation from his son are covered.

Emperor Parikshit enquired, “O venerable saint! Sinner Vṛtta was a demon who was filled with traits of passion and ignorance. How could this sinner develop unflinching devotion towards the Supreme Lord Srihari?

Maharishis and Devatas are endowed with a pure clear mind which abounds with traits of goodness. Even then they fail to obtain liberation as they are unable to develop such unflinching devotion towards Srihari. Mathematics explains that there are as many living entities on earth as the number of mud particles seen on it. Among these innumerable living entities only human beings adhere to the rules of righteousness.

Prāyo mumukṣavas teṣāṁ kecanaiva dvijottama Mumukṣūṇāṁ sahasreṣu kaścin mucyeta sidhyati

O Maharishi! Even among those who diligently abide by the rules of righteousness (dharma), only a selective few seek liberation. Among the thousands of such persons who have sought liberation, only one obtains the eligibility to cut through the worldly bondages. Even among those crores of accomplished beings (siddhas) who have been freed from worldly bondages only one or two have Srihari has their only supreme goal.

Vṛtta was a sinner who tormented other living entities. How could this sinner develop such unflinching devotion in the battlefield, which is so rare to obtain? During his life-time he had never focused upon Srihari. How could sudden transformation arise in him? How did Supreme Knowledge arise in him? With his prowess this Vṛtta even brought joy to Indra, isn’t it? I am eager to know all facts about his life. I request you to please dispel my doubts”.

Maharishi Śuka applauded Parikshit for the wonderful question. He then replied, “O Emperor! I have heard this story exactly in this pattern from Maharishis Vyasa and Nārada and from the Devatas. I shall now narrate this as I have heard. Please listen attentively.

The renowned King Chitraketu was the ruler of the Surasena Kingdom. During his rule, Mother Earth fulfilled all the desires. Although he had 10 million wives and although he had the eligibility to be blessed with progeny, he remained childless. Youthfulness, beauty, birth in a good lineage, charitable nature, knowledge, wealth and power existed in him, but due to his worry that he was childless and due to his intense longing for a son, none of them could give him any joy.

At one point, Maharishi Angirasa who was travelling through the different worlds suddenly paid him a visit. In great reverence, King Chitraketu went forward to receive the saint. He welcomed him warmly, offered him the customary worship and seated him on a suitable chair. With absolute devotion, the king sat on the floor next to the saint”.

Achyutaya namah
