SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0347: Indra is afflicted by the sin of killing a Brahmin

Achyutāya namah

Upon Vṛtta’s death, the celestials beat drums and kettle drums in the skies. Hordes of Maharishis, celestials such as Siddhās and Gandharvas glorified Indra for successfully destroying Vṛttasura. In great happiness, they rained flowers upon him. As all the celestials were watching, the subtle body emerged from Vṛtta’s gross body and merged into the Supreme Lord who exists beyond creation!”

With this the twelfth chapter of the Sixth Canto comes to an end.

Sixth Canto Chapter Thirteen

In this chapter, Indra absolving himself from the sin of killing a Brahmin is covered.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “O Emperor Parikshit! With Vṛtta’s death, barring Indra, all other denizens of all the three worlds were rendered trouble-free. They enjoyed mental peace. All Maharishis, Devatas, fore-fathers, bhoota-gaṇas, demons and Vidyadharas who attended upon the Devatas, returned to their respective abodes. Lords Brahma, Indra and Rudra also returned to their homes”.

At this point Emperor Parikshit enquired, “O venerable saint, you mentioned that Indra did not enjoy mental peace even after Vṛtta’s death. Why is it so? Please explain.” In reply Maharishi Śuka said, “O king, terrified of Vṛtta’s prowess, all the Devatas joined the Maharishis and collectively appealed to Indra to destroy Vṛtta. However, fearing that he will be inflicted by the sin of killing a Brahmin, Indra hesitated. Addressing them he said,

“By killing Brahmin Vishwaroopa I was tainted with terrible sin. Earth, trees, women and water co-operated with me and helped me exhaust that sin. I am now hesitant to kill Vṛtta as he too is a Brahmin. How can I get absolved from the sin after killing Vṛtta?”

Even when Vṛtta had gulped him down, Indra who had entered Vṛtta’s stomach hesitated to use the thunderbolt upon Vṛtta. He was debating the next course of action. To emerge from the womb, he necessarily had to rip apart Vṛtta’s stomach, which meant Vṛtta had to be killed. This threw Indra into a real dilemma.

Maharishis then said, “O Indra! May you be blessed with auspiciousness! Do not fear. We will support you and help you complete the powerful Ashwamedha Yāga. Worshipping the Supreme Lord Nārāyaṇa through Ashwamedha Yāga is equivalent of absolving oneself from the sin committed against the entire universe.

Even the worst sinner who has killed a Brahmin, father, cow, mother or Guru and even a dog-eater can be redeemed of their sins if they ardently sing the glories of Lord Nārāyaṇa. We shall begin the supreme Ashwamedha Yāga. You worship Nārāyaṇa with utmost devotion. If this is done, then even if the entire universe, including Lord Brahma, is killed by you, that sin cannot touch you!”

Based on this reassurance, Indra boldly killed Vṛtta. Thereafter he was inflicted with sin of killing a Brahmin due to which he lacked mental peace.

hrīmantaṁ vācyatāṁ prāptaṁ sukhayanty api no guṇāḥ

Noble, good qualities cannot bestow happiness upon a modest person when he falls to despicable states.

The sin of killing a Brahmin (Brahmahatya) took on a fearful form of a female butcher and began to chase Indra. Indra observed that this female butcher was inflicted with leprosy. Old age had caused her body to become infirm. He clothes were soaked in blood. She had let loose her white hair. She was screaming loudly, “Stop, wait.” Her breath smelt of rotten fish. As she ran the entire area was filled with unbearable stench.

Trying to escape from her, Indra began to run. He covered all direction, travelled through space and ultimately reached the Manasa-sarovara lake located in the north-eastern direction. He entered a lotus stem and remained hidden there for a 1000 years.

Fire-god who supplies food to Indra did not enter these waters and hence during this period he was deprived of food. He was solely focused upon the methods by which he could be relieved from this terrible sin.

During this period Nahusa assumed the position of Indra and ruled heaven. Although Nahusa was proficient in knowledge, penance and yogic austerities, very quickly he became intoxicated by power and wealth. This arrogance caused his wisdom to erode fully. Being cursed by Indra’s wife Sachidevi, Nahusa had to be reborn as a snake.

Meanwhile Indra began to meditate upon Lord Srihari due to which he was absolved of this sin. Upon invitation from Lord Brahma, Indra returned back to heaven. Iśāna, the presiding deity of the North-eastern direction destroyed Indra’s sin. In addition, he also had the protection of Mother Goddess Lakshmi. He was no longer tormented by this sin. At that moment Maharishis arrived. Under their guidance he took the vow to complete Ashwamedha Yāga to appease Lord Srihari. Together with these exalted Brahmins Indra duly completed the Yāga and worshipped the Supreme Lord, who is an embodiment of all deities.

Just as snow easily melts under the blazing Sun, with this Yāga Indra was totally freed from the sin of killing Vŗtta. There was not even a trace of it left in him. In this way with the help of Marichi and other eminent saints Indra became totally purified.

Achyutāya namah
