SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0341: The Devatas glorify the Lord.. contd.

The Devatas continued to glorify the Lord who had manifested before them,

“O Supreme Lord! These three worlds are Your residence. You are their Self and their refuge. In the past, You measured the entire universe with three steps. This transcendental deed of Yours is beyond description. It is beyond explanation. O Lord, none apart from You can understand the beginning, ending, depth, location or size of this infinite creation. You alone are aware of it O Lord, yet You cannot even describe the same to us because, we, the living entities, are ultimately going to merge into You”.

We are destructible. How can we understand Your infinite creation when we are only a part of that creation? To understand about the creator we should become creators of your stature. You are non-dual. When we become creators equal to You, then we become You. We have a non-dual existence with You. Then, who can learn and what is to be learnt? If there are two different entities, then differences such as teacher, student, and subject arise. In a non-dual existence who is the teacher and who is the student? Hence there is nothing You can teach us. If You teach us it is same as You teaching Yourself. You are the teacher and You are the student. What a wonder O Lord! You measured such infinitely vast world in just 3 steps. In this world Your glories are being supremely extolled.

“The demons, who are sons of Diti and Danu, are also Your varied forms. Nevertheless, when their behavior reached intolerable limits, then, using Your illusory energy, You incarnated in varied strange forms such as that of a Devata, human, boar, man-lion (Narasimha) or as aquatic animals and punished the demons in accordance to their wicked deeds. Your destroyed their arrogance. Likewise, O Lord, if You so desire, then please destroy Vṛtta, the son of Tvaṣṭa.

O Lord, You are devoid of feelings of doership. O Srihari, You are our father, grandfather. We belong to You. You are the father of this creation. You are our protector. Hence You alone can set it right. In this non-dual creation, we all belong to You. Hence we beg of You to please save us from this demon Vṛtta. With the rope called meditation our hearts have been solely tied to Your lotus feet. We, who are helpless, are unable to do anything in this situation.

By manifesting before us, You have made us Your own. We have assumed oneness with You”.

The moment You appeared before us, we have attained oneness with You. We have merged into You. We belong to You. Then, what remains? Nothing.

“Your pure enchanting smile, filled with peace, compassion, love and nectar, drives away our sorrows and dispels our ignorance. It dissipates our problems. Your smile speaks volumes. It showers the confidence that all our problems will get resolved. We are fortunate to be blessed with such enchanting smile. With Your melodious words and compassionate gaze please dispel our mental distress. None apart from You is capable of helping us, O Lord.

O Paramatma, tormented by this demon, we are suffering piteously. We are being burnt in the fire of afflictions”.

We are tormented by wavering mind. We are helpless and clueless. You are the weapon that can rescue us. Each and every word uttered by You, Your every movement, the twinkling of Your eyes etc. are weapons discharged by You to protect us. O Lord, your speech is a weapon. Please use your weapon to rescue us.

“O Lord, save us from the demon. Using each weapon please destroy each of those demons who are inflicting pain within us.

O Lord, the illusory power which is responsible for the creation, sustenance and destruction of the universe is Your inner potency. It is Your playful sport. You reside as the Self within the hearts of every living being. You manifest as Nature(Prakŗti) in the external world. The illumination, wind, mountains, stones, rivers are all Your manifestations”.

Vāsudevāya namah
