SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0338: Meaning of Narayana Kavaca.. contd.

“O Sudrashana! You are the discus held by the Lord in His hands. You endlessly travel through the universe emitting fiery flames. Just as fire accompanied by strong winds reduces hay to ash, please instantly reduce my enemies into ashes.

O Kaumodaki! You are the mace held by the Lord in His hands. You constantly emit powerful sparks of fire. You are the favorite weapon of the infallible Lord Srihari. Please reduce to dust our enemies such as Kushmānḍas, vināyakās, ghosts, yakśās, grahās and demons. Please powder them.

O Conch! When Srihari blows into you, the hearts of the demons freeze and they tremble uncontrollably. Such is the power of the sound you emit. Please drive away demons and ghosts such as pramatha-gaṇās, pretās, mātās, piśācās, brahma-rakshasās and other ghosts with fearful eyes.

O fine-edged sword! You are a weapon that is used by the Supreme Lord. Please shred into bits all my enemy troops.

O shield which is filled with hundreds of circular discs! Please pluck the eyes of my enemies who possess evil gaze.

Due to chanting the divine names and forms of the Lord, may we be rendered free from the fear of Kuja (Mars) and other planets, comets, insects, snakes and other crawling reptiles, sinful human beings, wild carnivorous animals, ghosts, five elements and hordes of other living entities.

May those wicked sinners who create obstacles in our righteous path be completely destroyed. May the ever-efficient Lord Garuda, who is extolled profusely through the Sāma veda and who is an embodiment of Vedas, free me from all forms of obstacles.

With the power of his holy names, may Vishwakśena eternally protect me. May Srihari’s names, vehicles, weapons, transcendental forms, his primary attendants protect our intellect, senses, mind and life-force from every form of obstacles.

The truth is that everything visible and invisible, formed and formless is the Supreme Lord. May this Absolute Truth destroy all our obstacles and difficulties. To those who possess non-dual Absolute Knowledge, the omnipresent and omniscient Supreme Lord Srihari is seen everywhere. Differences are not visible to them. Even then, this transcendental Lord takes on innumerable forms, weapons, ornaments and energies. This is the real truth! At all times and in all situations, may He protect us with these transcendental forms.

The illumination of Sun and other luminous objects fade in the presence of Lord Narasimha’s radiance. With His violent, frenzy laughter He drives away our inner as well as outer fear from all directions, from all corners, from the skies and from the base. May this Lord protect us always!’

Indra, I have initiated you to the ever-powerful Nārāyaṇa Kavacha. Considering this to be your protective armour, you can playfully destroy all your enemies. The person who wears this armour and the one who chants this daily can instantly dispel fears of the people he sees with his eyes or touches with his feet. The person who wears this protective Kavacha is totally freed from fear of king, dacoits, planets and wild animals. He never has to fear any situation.

Previously a Brahmin by name Kauśika, wore this protective Kavaca-mantra and, through Yogic path, gave up his life in the deserts. One day, the Gandharva-king Citraratha was travelling, seated in the celestial plane with his women-folk. As he crossed the place where Kauśika had given up his body, the plane crashed. Citraratha fell headlong to earth.

He was astounded. Clarifying his doubts, Vālakhilya Maharishis said to him, “This is the power of the Nārāyaṇa Kavacha. The place where you fell contained the bones and other remains of the supreme pious Kouśika who gave up his body while chanting this Kavacha-mantra. Unable to cross the area pervaded by his energy, your plane crashed to Earth. Therefore, pick these remains and mix them into the waters of the east-flowing sacred river Saraswati. Thereafter bathe in the river. It will bless you with auspiciousness”.

Citraratha abided by the instructions of Vālakhilya Maharishis. Thereafter he was able to happily return to his planet”.

Having said this, Maharishi Śuka continued,

“Ya idaṁ śṛṇuyāt kāle yo dhārayati cādṛtaḥ Taṁ namasyanti bhūtāni mucyate sarvato bhayāt

The person who wears this Kavacha i.e. the person who daily chants or listens to this Kavacha with devotion and dedication will be revered by all forms of life. He will be freed from all forms of fears.

Indra, who had earlier performed 100 Yagnas, was initiated into this Kavacha by Guru Vishwaroopa. With the help of this Kavacha he conquered all demons in war. He enjoyed the luxuries of all the three worlds”.

With this the eighth chapter of the Sixth Canto comes to an end.

All of you are fortunate to have heard the Nārāyaṇa Kavacha and to understand its meaning. Swamiji has gifted this Kavacha to you all years before. Please chant it daily. If not, at least play the CD at home daily. At least now begin to listen to this daily. Listen to it when driving and travelling. This Kavacha asks the lord to protect us at every junction, at every place. It is a powerful thunderbolt for devotees.

Dāmodarāya namah
