SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0332: Expansion of creation through Daksha’s daughters

Vāmanāya namah

Maharishi Śuka said to Parikshit,

“Pratijagrāha tad bāḍhaṁ nāradaḥ sādhu-sammataḥ Etāvān sādhu-vādo hi titikṣeteśvaraḥ svayam

Maharishi Nārada, who is eternally glorified by supreme saints, accepted this curse politely. Sadhu is that person who although having the capability to harm the other person who has harmed him, simply remains silent without reciprocating. He tolerates others’ offence”.

Daksha Prajāpati had cursed that Nārada should never have a permanent place of residence. He should eternally wander. Nārada politely accepted this curse. This turned out to be a boon for him. He could now wander freely across the creation.

With this the fifth chapter of the Sixth canto comes to an end.

Sixth Canto Chapter Six

In this chapter, the lineages of the 60 daughters of Daksha are explained.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Lord Brahma consoled Daksha Prajāpati who was grieving that his sons had relinquished this world to walk on the path of the Lord. Thereafter the couple Asiknī-Daksha was blessed with 60 daughters, all of whom were extremely affectionate towards their father.

He gave 10 daughters in marriage to Dharma, 13 daughters in marriage to Kasyapa Prajāpati, 27 daughters in marriage to Moon-god, 2 daughters to Bhūta, 2 daughters to Angirasa and 2 daughters to Kṛśāśva. He thereafter gave the remaining 4 daughters again to Kaśyapa Prajāpati.

I will now narrate their names and those of their descendants. Please listen. These daughters filled the entire creation with their lineages.

The 10 daughters given in marriage to Dharma were Bhānu, Lamba, Kakubha, Jāmi, Viśvā, Sādhyā, Marutvatī, Vasu, Muhūrtā and Sankalpa.

Bhānu’s son was Deva-rṣabha. To him Indrasena was born.

Lambā’s son was Vidyota. His son was Stanayitnava i.e. the presiding deities for clouds.

From Kakubha was born Sankasta. His son was Kīkaṭa. Kīkaṭa sons were the Devatas called Bhu-durgas.

Jāmi gave birth to Swarga (heaven). His son was Nandi. Nandi means happiness.

Viśva gave birth to the Viśva-devatas. Viśva-devatas remained childless.

Sādhya gave birth to the troop called Sādhya-gaṇa, whose son was Artha-siddhi.

Marutvati gave birth to 2 sons viz., Martuvanta and Jayanta. Jayanta, also known as Upendra, is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord.

From the womb of Muhūrtā, the presiding deities of time who were known as Muhurta were born. These Devatas ensure that the living entity is rewarded with the resultant fruits of his past fruitive actions in accordance with time.

From the womb of Sankalpā was born the son called Sankalpa (intent). His son was Kāma (desire). Desire is born from intent.

Vasu gave birth to the 8 Vasus. Their names are Droṇa, Prāṇa, Dhruva, Arka, Agni, Doṣa, Vasu and Vibhāvasu.

Through wife Abhimati, the Vasu called Droṇa begot sons named Harsha, Śoka, Bhaya etc. From wife Urjasvati, the Vasu called Pṛāṇa begot 3 sons Saha, Ayu and Purojava. From wife Dharaṇi, the Vasu called Dhruva begot many cities as children.

From wife Vāsana, Vasu Arka begot Tarṣa and other sons were born. From wife Vasordhāra, Vasu called Agni begot Draviṇaka and many other sons. From his other wife Kṛittika, he begot Skanda. Viṣākha and others were the sons of Skanda.

From the womb of Śarvari, Vasu called Doṣa begot Śiśumāra, who was an incarnation of Supreme Lord Srihari. From wife Angirasi, Vasu begot Viśwakarma, the chief architect. Viśwakarma’s son was Chākśusa Manu. To this Manu Viśwadevatas and Sādhyas were born.

From wife Usha, Vasu called Vibhāvasu had sons viz., Vyaṣṭa, Rociṣā and Ātapa. Ātapa had a son called Pañcāyāma. This devata ensures that the living entities are awake (conscious) and engaged in their daily activities.

(The progeny of the Daksha’s daughters given in marriage to Bhūta, Angirasa and Krṣāṣva)

Through wife Sarūpa, Bhūta begot innumerable Rudras. Among them Raivata, Aja, Bhava, Bhīma, Vāma, Ugra, Vṛṣākapi, Ajaikapāt, Ahirbuddhya and Bahūrupa became chief assistants of Rudra. Through another wife he begot Bhūtas and Vināyakas (goblins) who cause fear in entities. Vināyaka here does not refer to Ganapati.

Prajāpati Angirasa had two wives. Through his first wife Svadha he begot the fore-fathers. Through second wife Sati he begot Atharva-veda.

Kṛṣāṣva had two wives. From wife Arcis begot Dhūmrakeṣa. From wife Dhīṣaṇa he begot 4 sons Vedaśira, Devala, Vayuna and Manu.

(the progeny of Daksha’s daughters given in marriage to Kaśyapa Prajāpati)

Kaśyapa Prajāpati had Vinata, Kadru, Patangi and Yāmini. Patangi gave birth to all types of birds. Yāmini gave birth to many locusts. Vinata gave birth to Garuda and Anūra. Garuda became the vehicle of Mahavishnu. Anūra became the charioteer of the Sun-god. Kadru gave birth to all types of serpents.

(the progeny of the 27 daughters of Daksha given to Moon-god in marriage)

Kṛttika and other stars are the wives of Moon-god. As a result of Daksha’s curse Moon-god was inflicted with leprosy and suffered enormously. He remained childless”.

Hrishikeshaya namah
