SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0326: Lord Yama glorifies Lord Vishnu

Yama said, “My dear attendants! Although you think I am the ultimate leader, there is a Lord who is more supreme than me. He is the Lord for the entire universe consisting of moving and non-moving objects. Just as thread exists in the cloth, this entire universe rests in Him alone. Creation, sustenance and dissolution are carried out by His incarnations. Like a bull tied to a rope, this entire world is totally under His control. Just as two smaller ropes are tied to a long rope to control the bull, He has tied two small ropes called ‘name and form’ to the longer rope called Vedic dictates which emerged from Him. With this rope, He has bound all living entities.

The bewildered living entities consider themselves to be name and form and abiding by the pious as well as impious deeds mentioned in the Vedas, they experience the resultant happiness and sorrows. The terrified living entities who are tied to the rope called name and form complete their stipulated actions and through this worship the Supreme Lord.

I, Lord Indra, Moon-god, Niṛtti, Varuna, Fire-god, Shiva, Wind-god, Sun-god, Lord Brahma, the 12 Suns, the Vishwadevatas, Vasus, Sādhya, Marut-gaṇās, Rudra-gaṇās, Siddhas, Prajāpatis such as Bhrigu who are freed from the traits of action and ignorance (rajas-tamas) and other demi-gods are all embodiments of goodness (sattva). Even then, overpowered by illusion, we are unable to understand the transcendental activities of that Supreme Lord. Is there any need to explicitly mention that ordinary persons fail to understand His activities?

The objects seen by the eye cannot see the eye which is beyond them. Likewise, Srihari who resides as the Self within the living entity is beyond the sense organs. Hence He is not visible to the organs of action, the organs of perception, to the mind that is filled with thoughts, or to the intellect which makes determined decisions.

The Supreme Lord is independent. He is the Lord of all living entities. He is the Lord of illusion. His attendants also resemble Him in appearance, behavior, qualities and nature. They are pleasant and charming. They frequently travel through the universe. Even Devatas worship these venerable attendants of Lord Srihari. To be blessed with the fortune of seeing them is very rare. His attendants ensure that ardent devotees of Srihari are not at any time or under any circumstances troubled by me, by any enemy, obstacle or calamity. Even the greatest Maharishis, Gods and siddhas are unable to comprehend the Lord’s righteous principles and His essence. How can humans, demons, Vidyadharas, Cāraṇas, Kinnarās ever grasp His dharma and His essence which is beyond the reach of even Supreme saints?

Only 12 of us viz., the self-created Lord Brahma, Narada, Shiva, Sanat-kumara, Kapila, Swayambhuva Manu, Prahlada, Janaka, Bheeshma, Bali, Vyāsa’s son Śuka and myself have understood His true dharmic principles that are secretive. It is extremely difficult to comprehend this dharma which predominantly is filled with sattva (goodness). The human being who understands this obtains liberation!

etāvān eva loke ’smin puṁsāṁ dharmaḥ paraḥ smṛtaḥ bhakti-yogo bhagavati tan-nāma-grahaṇādibhiḥ

In this world, activities such as chanting divine names are intended solely towards developing devotion towards Him. Maharishis declare that this is the primary and ultimate dharma for living beings.

My dear children, please recognize the greatness contained in chanting the divine name of Lord Srihari. Merely by chanting Lord Hari’s name Ajāmila was freed from the noose of death. **Just by devotionally chanting the name, glories and qualities of the Supreme Lord, the human being can destroy all his sins in entirety! **At the moment of death Ajāmila loudly called out his son Nārāyaṇa. With this he obtained liberation.

Oho! The power of illusion is such that even greatest learned scholars fall into its trap. Deluded by it, they are deeply dedicated to the they sweet, attractive and nectarous words contained in the Vedas. As such with great dedication they engage in the elaborate Yagnas and other fruitive rituals stipulated by Vedas. However they fail to understand the supremacy of this path of devotion (bhagavata dharma).

Wise people clearly understand the distinction. Therefore they totally surrender to Him and dedicatedly tread the path of devotion. Such devotees are not within my jurisdiction. Even if at all some sin attaches to them, due to devotionally chanting the Lord’s name it gets washed away.

My dear servants, please listen attentively. Those who are filled with equal-mindedness and who see the Lord as pervading everything are those who have surrendered totally to Him. Even Devatas and Siddhas glorify the stories of such pious devotees. Holding a mace in His hand Srihari personally protects such devotees! Never ever go the precincts of such ardent devotees. It is He who punishes them; it is He who protects them. It is His jurisdiction. We are unfit to punish His devotees. Even time cannot harm such devotees who are in His control.

Supreme accomplished saints, who have understood the essence of this devotional path, eternally seek shelter under the lotus feet of Lord Srihari, the Lord who bestows liberation. They eternally drink the nectar called the remembering His lotus feet”.

Hrishikeshaya namah
