SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0325: Yama explains to his attendants the supremacy of Lord Vishnu

Ajāmila, who was now established in the Self, was instantaneously blessed with a celestial body. Together with Vishnu’s attendants he boarded the golden celestial plane and reached Vaikunṭha, the residence of Vishnu.”

The Brahmin Ajāmila who was infatuated by a prostitute fell into despicable ways and committed heinous sins. Giving up his obligatory Brahmanical duties he had become impure and wretched. When Yama’s attendants were dragging him to Yamaloka he chanted the name of Vishnu. With this, Vishnu’s attendants arrived and took him towards liberation. In this is contained a very important message for those who are truly desirous of obtaining liberation.

The only method for destroying all worldly bondages and for eliminating spiritual ignorance is to chant Lord Srihari’s name! Due to this the mind no longer runs towards actions and resultant bondages. No other method can give proper results as in those methods the mind continues to get tainted by the traits of action and ignorance (rajas, tamas).

**ya evaṁ paramaṁ guhyam itihāsam aghāpaham śṛṇuyāc chraddhayā yukto yaś ca bhaktyānukīrtayet

na vai sa narakaṁ yāti nekṣito yama-kiṅkaraiḥ yady apy amaṅgalo martyo viṣṇu-loke mahīyate

The person who, with absolute dedication, listens to this secretive story that destroys all sins and who with total devotion endlessly glorifies the Supreme Lord, will never have the risk of falling into hell even if he is the worst among sinners. Yama’s attendants will not even cast a glance towards him. He will reach Vishnu’s planet and enjoy great repute.

Ajāmila, the worst sinner, could reach Vaikuntha only because he called out his son whose name was Nārāyaṇa. This being the case, is there any specific need to mention that the person who with absolute dedication calls out the Lord’s name will be rewarded with liberation?” concluded Maharishi Śuka.

With this the second chapter of sixth canto comes to an end.

Sixth Canto Chapter Three

In this chapter Yama teaches the glory contained in the Supreme Lord’s name.

Emperor Parikshit questioned Maharishi Śuka, “O venerable saint! The dictates of Yama, the Lord who governs righteousness in this world, were thwarted. I am eager to know his reaction when his attendants reported their failure. What was it that he said to them?

O Maharishi! Until now I have never heard any instance wherein Yama’s dictates were transgressed. Who apart from you can dispel this doubt that lingers in the minds of people? Hence please dispel this doubt”.

Hearing this request from Parikshit, Maharishi Śuka replied, “Yama is the Lord of the city called Samyamani. When their attempts to arrest Ajāmila were thwarted, his attendants returned back to him and said,

“O Lord, living entities perform pious, impious and a mixture of pious-impious deeds as a result of which they obtain heaven, hell or earth. Please tell us how many rulers are entitled to govern these living entities and award judgments for their actions? In case there are multiple rulers who govern the universe, then on what basis are living beings awarded heaven or hell? What is the basis for punishment?

In case there are multiple rulers to govern these living entities who are engaged in fruitive activities, then akin to vassal kings their powers should also be limited isn’t it? After all you are the ultimate leader for all living entities and for the kings who rule these living entities.

You are the ultimate leader who determines the pious-impious deeds of humans and who issues them appropriate punishments. O Lord, however now your supreme dictates have become worthless. Your power and authority are no longer valid in the universe. Today we had an unbelievable experience. We were bringing a terrible sinner to undergo punishments in hell, when 4 celestial beings thwarted our plans. They forcibly cut the powerful noose with which we had bound him and took him away. They left us bewildered. O Lord, if you approve the actions of those celestials then please explain to us about them. Who are they? Why did they discard our arguments and release the sinner?”

With a pleasant smile Lord Yama meditated upon the lotus feet of Lord Srihari and replied, “My dear attendants! Although you think I am the ultimate leader, there is a Lord who is more supreme than me. He is the Lord for the entire universe consisting of moving and non-moving objects. Just as thread exists in the cloth, this entire universe rests in Him alone. Creation, sustenance and dissolution are carried out by His incarnations. Like a bull tied to a rope, this entire world is totally under His control. Just as two smaller ropes are tied to a long rope to control the bull, He has tied two small ropes called name and form to the longer rope called Vedic dictates which emerged from Him. With this rope He has bound all living entities”.

Vāmanāya namah**
