SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0320: How Ajāmila turned into a sinner

Yama’s attendants continued,

“Ajāmila was a supremely learned Vedic scholar and an embodiment of all noble qualities. His character and behavior were exemplary. He was gentle in approach and possessed extreme sense-control. He strictly abided by the vow of truthfulness. He lived with absolute inner and outer cleanliness. Without feelings of arrogance, this pure saintly Brahmin dutifully respected his Gurus, elders, guests and served them. He strictly abided by fire-worship. He always sought the well-being of all living entities. He was reserved in his speech and was never envious of others.

One day at the behest of his father this pious Brahmin went to the forest to fetch firewood, flowers, fruits, grass and other items for worship. On his way back, he came across an ugly scene. An intoxicated low-class prostitute, who was filled with lusty desires and who was sparsely clothed, was shamelessly engaged in amorous play with a man. Seeing this, Ajāmila’s mind was overcome by uncontrollable lust. Using his wisdom, he tried to reason wisely within himself and to control these desires. He struggled to control his senses. However, his mind, which was filled with uncontrollable lust, succumbed to these desires”.

Swamiji explains: For this reason, great caution is to be exercised about what is seen. Those who are truly desirous of serving the Lord, who seek to control their mind should be extremely vigilant in these aspects. A noble man, who was par excellence in every aspect, fell to despicable levels only because he saw what should not have been seen.

“The moment he lost control over his mind, all his noble qualities were destroyed. He lost control over himself. His self-confidence depleted completely. Finding this a suitable opportunity, the ghost called lust captured him and kept him captive. He was now devoid of wisdom.

He began to think of her every single moment and, in this infatuation, he completely neglected his obligatory Brahmanical duties. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts about this female. He made it his duty to win her love. He began to gift her all luxurious objects that bring joy to the spiritually ignorant people and thereby won her love.

Lust makes a person dance to its tunes. Such lusty person is willing to go to any extreme to fulfill his needs. In order to please his loved one, such person is willingly to get completely ruined. He falls to despicable levels. Ajāmila, who was infatuated with this prostitute, slowly began to use the wealth inherited from his father for satisfying her.

Ajāmila was a married man and his wife was a chaste, disciplined, virtuous woman who belonging to a noble lineage. She was youthful and beautiful. She had married Ajāmila as he was a disciplined, virtuous person who belonged to a noble lineage. However, Ajāmila, who had taken to sinful ways, was enamored by the prostitute’s charming smile and gaze. Abandoning his legally wedded wife, he began to co-habit the prostitute.

The prostitute had a very large family. In order to satisfy her large family, Ajāmila, who began to lead a wicked immoral life, began to earn money through any means, righteous or unrighteous. Behaving per his whims, this impious man was condemned by Mahatmas. Disregarding the dictates of the Shastras, this evil man spent his entire lifetime in sinful deeds.

He began to abuse those who advised him seeking his well-being. In turn, he would accuse them of wrongdoing. He would argue that he was leading a truthful life. If a person who drinks drain water argues that he is drinking pure Ganga water, would his argument have any value? Ajāmila’s story was similar to that.

From a very long time he has been leading an impure life without any mental purity. Going against the dictates of the Scriptures, this immoral man indulged in every type of sinful deed. More importantly, he abused his Gurus, parents and Vedas. His birth as a Brahmin was ultimately wasted. He is now the worst among sinners.

Added to this, he has never atoned for his sins. More importantly, he denies that he has ever engaged in sinful deeds. Therefore, we are now dragging this sinner to our leader, Lord Yama. By undergoing the various punishments there, he will be reformed” concluded Yama’s attendants.
