Bhagavatam 0287: Understanding the allegory
Vishnave namah Perhaps at some point the realization that chasing sensory pleasures is a mere waste of energy may dawn upon him.
Vishnave namah Perhaps at some point the realization that chasing sensory pleasures is a mere waste of energy may dawn upon him.
Sometimes the person is engaged in business of lending and receiving money.
He who is lost in sensory pleasures would have fallen into the deep endless dark pit called spiritual ignorance.
Sridharāya namah **Due to endless focus upon sensory pleasures the person sinks into sorrows.
Vishnave namah The person who reaches hell or who has landed in tremendous difficulties hangs on to the thread called destiny.
Looking after the needs of his citizens, ensuring their happiness, treating them with love, controlling them and conducting Yagnas are the duties stipulated (swadharma) for a king.
Trivikramāya namah. Maharishi Śuka continued, “Therefore I shall explain only the names of the various divisions of the vast earth, their dimensions and prominent characteristics.
The third among these four famous mountains is the Supārṣva Mountain.
Sridharāya namah From the Saptarishi manḍala (constellation of the seven great sages) River Ganga flows through the celestial path which is cluttered and polluted due to the presence of billions and trillions of celestial airplanes before descending to the Chandra-loka manḍala (planetary system of Moon) which lies below.