SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0313: The 28 types of hell and punishments therein.. contd.

“In this world both in villages and in forests, people through various techniques attract innocent harmless animals and birds pretending to be their protectors, but then, after capturing the birds or animals they either kill them by piercing sharp knives into them or tie them with ropes displaying them like toys thus inflicting wounds upon them.

Even animals and birds have a desire to live. Those who thus harm birds and animals in the manner explained above, will after death fall into the śūlaprota hell. Here their bodies rest upon extremely sharp tridents. While they suffer with unending hunger and thirst, sharp-beaked birds such as herons, vultures, eagles tear into their bodies. Here it should be understood that the animals that he had tortured on earth come in the form of these sharp-beaked birds to torture him in hell. The person constantly remembers his sinful deeds and laments profusely.

O Parikshit! Wicked people of this world who like poisonous snakes constantly harm others and cause them grief will after death fall into Dandasūka hell. This hell is filled with five and seven hooded serpents that constantly chew and swallow these sinners as if they are mice.

Those who trap animals in granaries, dark mountain caves and other similar suffocating places and inflict wounds upon them will after death fall into the Avaṭa-nirodha hell. Here they are thrown into deep dark caves filled with poisonous fumes such that they are suffocated. Yama’s attendants prevent them from escaping from these suffocating caves.

The man who casts cruel, hateful glances that are spit fire at his invited or uninvited guest who has come to his door-step falls into the Paryāvartana hell after death. Eagles, vultures, herons, crows and other birds that have diamond sharp beaks forcefully pluck out these wicked eyes.

In this world are people who take immense pride in their wealth considering themselves to be superior to others. They look upon others suspiciously worried that they would loot his wealth. Their mind and heart would have dried up due to the fear of losing this wealth. They do not know real happiness. Like brahmarākshasās they eternally guard this wealth night and day. They do not hesitate to commit sins in their desire to increase their wealth and safeguard it. After death such persons fall into Sūcimukha hell where Yama’s attendants stitch their bodies with needle and thread like weavers.

O Parikshit! In Yama’s territory there are hundreds and thousands of such hells. For every type of sin committed on earth there is an appropriate hell wherein he gets punished. If a person has committed 10 or 12 different types of sins, then he has to complete punishment in one hell and move on to another. Thus he has to pass through all the 10 or 12 types of hell and undergo all the different punishments. Each hell awards different type of punishment.

Yet only those who have led an unrighteous life enter into these hells based on their sins. I have explained to you only about certain types of sinners. There are many other types of sinners about whom I should not even mention.

People who have led a pure, pious life reach heavens. After exhausting their sins and merits, both pure and impure people will eventually have to be reborn on earth. People who have both sins and merits in their balance exhaust them both in the respective planes (lokas) and then return back to earth”.

They are people who have both merits and sins in their account. They pay for their sins, also experience heavenly comforts in proportion to their merit and then return to earth.

“I have already explained to you about the path of return (Nivṛtti mārga). Puranas state that the Supreme Lord has created this universe such that it contains 14 primary worlds. This universal egg is nothing but the physical manifestation of that Lord!

The description of this gross form of this universal egg and about the trigunas, which are the outcome of the illusionary energy, has already been given. The Supreme Lord resides as the Self within every living entity. Upanishads describe His form, which is beyond the grasp of the senses.

Devotion and dedication surge in the person who with great faith reads about His gross manifestation, or listens to it when it is being narrated by others or who narrates it to others. The mind will be rendered totally pure. The Lord, who exists as his inner Self, will be realized.

Śrutvā sthūlaṁ tathā sūkṣmaṁ rūpaṁ bhagavato yatiḥ Sthūle nirjitam ātmānaṁ śanaiḥ sūkṣmaṁ dhiyā nayed iti

The spiritual aspirant should understand the gross form of the Lord i.e. the universal form (virat roopa). He should listen about His subtle form and should thereafter concentrate exclusively upon the gross form. Gradually using his intellect he should merge the mind into the subtle form.

O Emperor Parikshit, I have described to you in great detail about entire earth along with its divisions, islands, oceans, rivers and mountains. I have also explained about space, oceans, hells (naraka), the lower planetary systems (patala), zodiac stars, directions along with their locations and dimensions. I have told you that this universe is a wonderful gross manifestation of the Lord which is suitable for living”.

With this the twenty sixth chapter of the fifth canto comes to an end.

**With this chapter the Fifth Canto comes to an end. **

Until now we discussed about heavens and hells. By explaining about hells we are warned to lead life righteously. At the same time Bhagavatam clarifies that there is no escape from the previously committed sins. After listening to this at least, please alter your way of living. Many types of sins and their appropriate punishments were detailed. Srikrishna Parabrahmane namah
