SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0309: Description of Lord Ananta on whose head this creation rests

Sankarśanāya namah

Maharishi Śuka is explaining,

“Below Mahātala is the nether region called Rasātala where the demons, who are sons of Diti and Danu, reside. Just like snakes residing in snake-pits, various demon-groups known as Pāṇi, Nitvāṭa-kavaca, Kāleyas and Hiraṇyapuravasis reside here. These demons, the enemies of Devatas, are exceptionally powerful by birth and are supremely courageous too. Their pride in their supreme prowess however is quelled by the might of the Supreme Lord who rules the various planetary systems. Listening to the words of Indra’s messenger Sarama, they are petrified of Indra.

Below Rasātala is the nether region called Pātāla where many-hooded snakes such as Śankha, Kulika, Maha-śankha, Śweta, Dhananjaya, Dhritarāśtra, Śankhacuda, Kambala, Aśvatara and Devadatta reside. Vāsuki is the king for all these serpents which are filled with extreme anger. The snakes that reside here are five, seven, ten, hundred or thousand headed. The Supreme Lord has fixed many brightly illuminating gems on the heads of these serpents by which the darkness of Pātāla is dissipated”.

With this the twenty-fourth chapter of the fifth canto comes to an end.

Fifth Canto Chapter Twenty-five

In this chapter, the hymn composed upon Lord Sankarśana is explained.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Parikshit, 30,000 Yojanās (240,000 miles) below Pātāla is the originating point (moola sthāna). Here Srihari resides in another form that is predominantly filled with ignorance (tamo-guna). This is His incarnation as Ananta. Being a form of egoism (ahamkāra roopa) it unifies the seer (dṛṣṭa) with the seen (dṛṣya) i.e. the ignorant person merges into the ‘seen’ world and believes that he is the ‘enjoyer’ of these worldly comforts.

This entire universe, which rests upon just one hood of the thousand-hooded Lord Ananta, appears like a tiny mustard seed on this hood! This Lord Sankarśana (Ananta) is always eager to destroy the entire creation at the time of dissolution. Previously Lord Ananta, who was intensely infuriated, moved his beautiful eyebrows. From the centre of his eyebrows the three-eyed Rudra, who holds a trident in his hand, manifested. Rudra has 11 forms. As he emerged from Sankarśana, he was addressed as Sānkarśana.

The round, pure, clear, reddish toe-nails of Lord Sankarśana resemble precious gems. All devotees of the Lord, including snake-kings, bow to Lord Sankarśana and worship him with great devotion. At such times, they are able to observe their reflection in his spotlessly clear toe-nails. More radiant than their shining cheeks are their glittering ear-rings. Seeing their glowing faces in His spotlessly-clear toe-nails, they are thrilled.

Seeking fulfillment of desires, the daughters of the serpents (Nāga maidens) apply agaru-paste, sandal-paste and kumkum-paste to Sankarśana’s long arms of Lord that are like long silver pillars. His long, pure, beautiful arms glitter profusely. It is said that when these young maidens (Nāga kanya) touch his arms to apply these pastes, they become extremely agitated. This touch causes their minds to be filled with lusty desires. Lord Sankarśana looks at these maidens, who possess a charming smile, with affectionate, happy, merciful looks. When He showers these glances at them, they smile bashfully.

The Self-effulgent Lord, who is the repository of infinite qualities and who is the cause for the entire creation, resides here as Ananta so as to cause the well-being of the world quelling his impatience and his anger. Devatas, Demons, Nāgas, Siddhās, Gandharvas, Vidhyadharas and Maharishis worship Lord Ananta who is eternally soaked in Self-bliss.

Lord Sankarśana wears black clothing and a single earring. With melodious words He brings joy to his attendants and to the Devata-leaders. Just as Lord Indra’s elephant adorns itself with a golden chain, Lord Ananta, who rests his beautiful arms on a plough, adorns himself with a Vyjayanti flower garland. Intoxicated by the sweet tulasi (basil) fragrance emitted by this garland, bees hover around it adding to its beauty.

In order to fulfill the desire of his devotees, Lord Ananta engages in innumerable pastimes. Aspirants who are desirous of liberation should meditate upon Him. He then manifests in their heart and shreds the knot of ignorance from it.

Spiritual ignorance, which exists since time eternal, arises due to the transformation within the three attributes of Nature (trigunas). Fruitive activities ensure its continuance. Brahma’s son Nārada, who is accompanied by Tumbura, glorifies Lord Ananta in his father’s assembly.

The Lord’s will cause the three attributes of Nature to obtain the ability to create, sustain and destroy this universe. This Supreme Lord is birthless, deathless and non-dual. He holds within himself this vast universe that is replete with innumerable forms and names. Who can ever understand the ways and means to reach this Supreme Lord?

Out of compassion towards us, Lord Ananta has manifested in a pure, transcendental form. This cause and effectual universe rests in Him alone! In order to keep his devotees’ minds under His sway He engages in innumerable pure pastimes. The powerful lion, which is the leader of all animals, has learnt from him these pastimes so as to bring joy to all its subjects”.

Pradyumnāya namah
