SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0307: The seven nether regions below Earth

Pradyumnāya namah

The 7 planetary systems that exist below earth are also God’s creations. They are Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talātala, Mahātala, Rasātala and Pātala. The gap between each of these planets is 10,000 Yojanās (80,000 miles). Each one of them is 10,000 Yojanās (80,000 miles) long.

In these lower regions, sensory pleasures, objects of comforts, happiness, wealth and influence far exceed the comforts of heaven. In these homes that are opulent with objects of comforts, demons who are the descendents of Kadru, Diti and Danu reside. They enjoy immensely while wandering through the beautiful gardens and the exquisite leisure places. Together with their wives, children, relatives, friends and attendants they happily lead the householder’s life.

They derive great happiness through activities that are created out of illusion. Even the guardian-deities fail to hamper their enjoyments.

O Parikshit, understand that in these lower planetary systems have been created by demon Maya. They contain palatial well-decorated homes, doorways, arches, towers, temples, temple compounds, temple towers, rest houses etc. During nights the well-decorated home of the Lords of these planes, which are made with precious gems, glitter.

These buildings and palaces are inhabited by living entities such as nāgas and asuras. In addition birds such as pigeons, parrots and mynah fill the places completely leaving no gaps. The beautiful gardens, the trees that are rich in tender creepers, exquisite branches that touch the ground due to the weight of bunches of flowers and fruits hanging upon them and creepers that are intertwined captivate the mind and the senses of the person observing them and bring untold joy.

Many bird-couples reside in the crystal clear waters of the many lakes seen here. Grasses such as vattiver, algae, lotuses, water-lilies, red lotus and many other plants and grasses grow abundantly in these waters. The sight of the groups of fish which freely jump in and out of the waters of the lake disturbing its calmness, and the melodious happy sounds made by them in this process enthrall the minds and senses of the onlookers.

Thus it can be said that these lakes in these lower planetary systems would put the lakes of heaven to shame. Such is their beauty!

Due to absence of Sun and Moon, in these planets time divisions such as night and day and the resultant fear caused by them do not exist. The glittering bright gems situated upon the hoods of the huge serpents here illumine the planets by dispelling the darkness.

Inhabitants of these planets consume food and juices prepared out of the different types of herbs. They bathe in the crystal clear waters of the lakes. Due to them both they are freed from all mental and physical ailments. Wrinkling of the skin, graying of hair and such other signs of old age are not to be seen. Other symptoms of old age such fatigue, sweating, bad odours, being unenergetic and being unenthusiastic are also not found.

Death to them comes only in the form of the Lord discus (wheel). When the Lord’s sudarshana chakra (discus) enters these planets, pregnant women miscarry.

Demon Maya’s son Balāsura resides in Atala. He has created 96 types of illusions (conjuring tricks) in the universe. Conjurers have till date failed to understand some of his conjuring tricks. At one time he yawned and from it three groups of females known as svariṇī, kāmini and pumscalī emerged. svariṇī are women who wander and behave independently per them whims. kāṃini are full of excessive lustful desires. Pumscalī possess absolute wavering mind.

These groups of women feed the men an intoxicating drink called hāṭala and render them capable of enjoying lustful life. With their captivating glances, loving gestures they attract the men towards them and spend time joyfully in their company. The men who drink hāṭaka herbal drink consider themselves to be God and boast all the time. Behaving arrogantly and believing that they have the might of 10,000 elephants they behave per their whims.

Vitala is the planetary region below Atala. In Vitala Shiva resides as Hāṭakeshwara. He dispels sins. In order to assist Lord Brahma in the tasks of creation He resides here together with Goddess Parvati and his associates. The radiance of Gods Shiva-Parvati causes a famous river called Hāṭaki to flow here. The fire which is empowered by the wind drinks this water and spits it out. This converts into gold known as Hātaka. The demon kings and their wives wear ornaments made of this gold.

Below the nether world called Vitala is nether world Sutala. Emperor Bali, the son of Virocana, rules this planet. In order to please Lord Indra, the Supreme Lord incarnated as dwarf Vāmana from the womb of Mother Aditi. He approached Bali and took away from him the 3 worlds. He then blessed Bali and sent him to Sutala.
