SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0306: The śisumara (dolphin) planetary system

The planetary system which consists of myriads of stars and planets has been established in the sky in the form of a Śiśumāra (dolphin). Learned scholars state that the Lord’s illusory power which is composed of the trigunas is responsible for their creation.

This planetary system appears like a dolphin having a body coiled towards the right and with its head facing down. The tip of its tail is the Polestar. In the middle of the tail are planets of Kaśyapa Prajāpati, Indra, Fire-god Agni and Dharma. At the base of the tail are the planets Dhāta and Vidhāta.

A dolphin has equal number of limbs on either side and appears as if one coil is embedded within another. Similarly Śiśumāra planetary system has 14 star constellations (uttarāyaṇa nakshatra) from Abhijit to Punarvasu on its right and the 14 star constellations from Pushya to Uttarāśāḍa on its left. Due to this balanced positioning of stars on either side it resembles a dolphin (Śiśumāra).

On its back are Ajavīthī i.e. the group of Moola, Purvaśāḍa and Uttarāṣāḍa stars. On its abdomen is the Ākāṣa Ganga i.e. a long chain of star constellations.

On the right, left and waist portions of this Śiśumāra planetary system are Stars Punarvasu and Puśyami. On its right and left feet are Stars Āṛdra and Āśleṣa. Within its right and left nostrils are the Stars Abhijit and Uttarāṣāḍa. On its right and left eyes are Stars Sravaṇa and Purvāṣāḍa. On its right and left ears are Stars Dhaniṣṭhā and Mūla.

On its left ribs are 8 dakshināyana stars (indicating southern direction) from Magha to Anurādha. On its right ribs are 8 Uttarāyana stars (indicating northern direction) from Mrigaśhirṣa to Purvābhādra in a reverse fashion. On its right and left shoulders are Śatabhiṣa and Jyeshta stars.

Agastya is the upper jaw. Yama is the lower jaw. Mars (Angaraka) is the mouth. Saturn (Shani) is the reproductive organ. Jupiter (Brihaspati) is the hump at its back. Sun is the chest. Nārāyaṇa is the heart. Moon is the mind. Venus (śukra) is the navel. The twin stars Ashwini nakshatra are its breasts. Mercury (budha) is the life-force (prāṇāpāna). Rāhu is the neck. All other stars are the various other limbs in its body. We should believe all the stars to be follicles on its body.

This Śiśumāra form is the visible stable body of the Supreme Lord Mahavishnu! He exists in this form together with all the Devatas. During the Sandhya times, the aspirant should silently observe the Śiśumāra planetary system and pray,

“O Supreme Lord, You are the shelter for the stars and planets. You manifest as the wheel of time. I meditate upon You, O Lord of all the Devatas and offer obeisance to You.”

**Graharkṣatārāmayam ādhidaivikaṁ pāpāpahaṁ mantra-kṛtāṁ tri-kālam Namasyataḥ smarato vā tri-kālaṁ naśyeta tat-kālajam āśu pāpam ** Śiśumāra chakra, which is filled with many constellations and planets, is the form of the Supreme. The person who chants the above prayer and mantra thrice daily will be totally absolved of all his sins. If he offers obeisance to this planetary system or remembers it thrice a day, all his recent sins will instantaneously be washed away. With this the twenty-third chapter of the fifth canto comes to an end.

Fifth Canto Chapter Twenty-four

In this chapter Rasātala and other lower planes have been described.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Parikshit, learned scholars state that at a distance of 10,000 Yojanās (80,000 miles) below the Sun, Rāhu wanders about like a Planet. Rāhu, the son of demoness Simhika, is the nastiest among demons. He is unfit to become a Devata. Nevertheless due to the grace of the Supreme Lord he was allotted this position of Devata. Later I shall explain to you about the birth of Rāhu and of his activities.

The Sun (sūrya manḍala), which is a ball of fire, is 10,000 Yojanās (80,000 miles) wide. Moon is 12,000 Yojanās (96,000 miles) and Rāhu is 13,000 Yojanās (104,000 miles) wide. During full-moon and new-moon Rāhu tries to obstruct the path between the Sun and Moon. Recollecting his enmity with them, on these two days he travels towards them trying to obstruct their path.

Srihari, who comes to know of the plight of the Sun and Moon, releases his favorite weapon the discus (Sudarshana chakra) for their protection. This discus contains unbearable heat and radiance. Rāhu manages to withstand the heat of this ever rotating discus for about an hour’s time. Thereafter unable to withstand its radiance he trembles fearfully and retracts. This is called eclipse.

10,000 Yojanās (80,000 miles) below Rāhu are the planets wherein Siddhas, Cāraṇās and Vidyādhārās reside. Thereafter for vast distance, till where the clouds are visible and till where air exists, is the outer space (antareeksha). In outer space different types of demons, evil spirits and ghosts wander freely.

100 Yojanās (800 miles) below outer space lays earth. The territory of earth extends up to the point where swans, eagles, vultures and other similar birds can fly in sky. I have already explained about the formation and sustenance of earth. Below earth are the 7 lower planetary systems known as Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talātala, Mahātala, Rasātala and Pātala. The gap between each of these planets is 10,000 Yojanās (80,000 miles).

Please understand that they do not exist inside the earth’s core but that they are located below earth in space. There is a misconception that to reach Pātāla we have to dig deep into earth.

Pradyumnāya namah
