SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0305: The locations and dimensions of various planets

The Moon is situated 100,000 Yojanās (800,000 miles) above the Solar system. He is located before the Zodiac planets and travels at speeds much higher than the Sun. The distance covered by the Sun in a year, the Moon covers in 1 month. The distance covered by the Sun in one month, he covers in 2 and half days. The distance covered by the Sun in 15 days, the Moon covers in 1 day.

During the waxing fortnight the illumined portion of the Moon increases every day. This illumining Moon creates the day for the Devatas. During the waning fortnight when his shine decreases with every passing day, he creates night for the fore-fathers (pitr). Elders advice that Devatas should be worshipped during the waxing fortnight while fore-fathers should be worshipped during the waning fortnight.

Moon showers nectar. He causes the growth of food grains thereby protecting life of living entities. He passes through every star (nakshatra) within a short span of 30 muhurtas i.e. in a day.

The Supreme Lord has manifested in the form of Moon. With his 16 phases, Moon is the presiding deity for the mind. He is the form of rasa. In the form of food grains he showers joy to Devatas, Pitr-devatas (forefathers), humans, animals, birds, ghosts, insects, trees, plants and other entities. This is his inherent nature. Learned scholars declare that Moon thus pervades everything.

At a distance of 300,000 Yojanās (2,400,000 miles) from the Moon is the constellation of 28 stars (nakshatras) beginning with Abhijit. These stars systematically rotate based on the orders of the Supreme Lord. Along with the wheel of time they too circumambulate around Mount Meru.

At a distance of 200,000 Yojanās (1,600,000 miles) from the star constellation is Venus (śukra). The Sun moves at rapid, slow or moderate speeds. Maintaining pace with it Venus also rotates at similar speeds. At all times he ensures wellbeing of living entities. He ensures timely rainfall. It can be said that he nullifies the effect of those planets which create obstacles in causing rainfall.

At a distance of 200,000 Yojanās (1,600,000 miles) from Venus is Moon’s son Mercury (Budha). Mercury’s movements are very similar Venus. It also seeks the wellbeing of one and all. However if he moves faster than the Sun and goes ahead of him, sky will be filled with thick black clouds. Hailstorms, cyclones and other ill-auspicious events take place. It causes excessive or inadequate rainfall and other fearful situations.

At a distance of 200,000 Yojanās (1,600,000 miles) from Mercury is Mars (Angāraka). If this planet does not travel in a crooked direction then it takes 3 fortnights’ time to cross each planet. In this way it travels through all 12 zodiac planets (rāśi) one after another. Very often this planet indicates inauspiciousness and sorrows.

At a distance of 200,000 Yojanās (1,600,000 miles) from Mars is Jupiter (Guru). When this venerable Guru does not travel in retrograde direction he takes a year’s time to cross each zodiac planet. In this speed he travels through the 12 Zodiac planets. Jupiter is generally favourable to Brahmin Vedic scholars.

At a distance of 200,000 Yojanās (1,600,000 miles) from Jupiter is Saturn (Shani). Saturn travels at very slow pace. It takes 30 months to travel through a Zodiac planet. It takes 30 years to cover all the 12 zodiac planets. In general this planet causes tensions and unfavorable situations.

At a distance of 1,100,000 Yojanās (8,800,000 miles) above Saturn in the northern direction is the constellation of the seven great sages (Ursa major). These seven great sages eternally seek the wellbeing of all living entities. They eternally circumambulate the Polestar (Dhruva mandala) which is the residence of the Supreme Lord Srihari.

With this the twenty second chapter of the fifth canto comes to an end.

Fifth Canto Chapter Twenty-three

In this chapter the astrological chart and the Śiśumāra planetary systems are detailed.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “O King, at a distance of 1,300,000 Yojanās (10,400,000 miles) from the constellation of the Seven Sages is the Polestar. Mahatmas and learned scholars declare this to be the ultimate residence of the Supreme Lord Sri Mahavishnu!

Uttānapādā’s son Dhruva resides in this planet. In the form of stars Lord Indra, Fire-god, Kaśyapa Prajāpati and Dharma simultaneously circumambulate this planet. Dhruva is the refuge for all living entities till the end of the creation. I have already narrated to you earlier the glory of Dhruva.

Time which does not halt even for a second is nothing but the Supreme Lord’s energy. Even the senses fail to recognize the speed at which time flies. This time causes all the Planets, Stars and other celestial bodies, constellations to rotate endlessly around the Polestar, which illumines eternally. The Supreme Lord has established the Polestar as the support and central pivot for all planets to rotate.

During threshing, the farmer ties the bulls to a central pole. Using small, medium and long ropes he ties bulls such that they are at different distances from the pole. A bull will be closer to the pole, another at moderate distance while the third is far away. Irrespective of the location the bulls continuously rotate around the central pole pounding the rice grains with their legs. In a similar pattern the Supreme Lord has established various constellations, zodiacs and celestial illumining bodies at different locations in space. Just as eagles fly or clouds move due to the help of wind these stars and planets travel in their orbits with the help of wind. As they travel they continuously circumambulate the Polestar. They will continue to do so till the end of the creation.

The union of Prakriti (Nature) and Puruṣa (Self) is responsible for the creation of Planets and Stars. Their existence is the result of their past fruitive activities. There is no scope for them to fall to the earth. The illusory power of the Supreme Lord, which is composed of the trigunas, ensures their rotation.

Pradyumnāya namah
