SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0302: The various divisions in vast Earth

On the other side of the ocean of ghee is the island Krounca dweepa, which is twice the breadth of the ocean of ghee. This is surrounded by an ocean of milk created by the Supreme Lord. This island obtained its name due to the presence of a Krounca Mountain upon it.

When Lord Kumāraswamy hit this mountain with powerful weapons, this mountain was horribly damaged. Yet it remains fearless as it is bathed completely by the milk ocean which flows all around it and is constantly protected by Lord Varuna.

Priyavrata’s son Ghṛtapṛṣṭa rules this Krounca dweepa. He sub-divided this island into 7 smaller ones and distributed them among his 7 sons. The islands have been named after the son who rules it. Having completed his responsibilities Ghṛtapṛṣṭa sought refuge in Lord Srihari, the Lord who remains as the Self within all entities and who possesses auspicious divine qualities.

Āma, Madhuruha, Meghapṛṣṭa, Sudhāma, Bhṛājiṣṭhā, Lohitāṛṇa and Vanaspati are his 7 sons. These 7 islands are bordered by 7 mountains viz., Śukla, Vardhamāna, Bhojana, Upabarhiṇa, Nanda, Nandana and Sarvatobhadra. The 7 famous rivers Abhayā, Amṛtoughā, Āryakā, Tīrthavati, Rūpavati, Pavitravati and Śukla flow through these islands.

The water in these rivers is pure and clear. Inhabitants here are divided into four castes viz., Puruṣas, Rṣabhās, Draviṇās and Devakās. They worship the Supreme Lord in the form of water. Holding water in their cupped palms they pray, “O holy waters! The divine energy of the Lord flows through you. For this reason you possess the ability to purify Bhu, bhuvar and Suvar lokas. You have the natural ability to destroy sins. Merely by remembering You, our bodies are purified”.

On the other side of the ocean of milk is island Śāka dweepa, which is 22 lakh yojanās wide (1 yojana= 8 miles) and which has been created by the Supreme Lord. The ocean of curd, which is of equal dimension, surrounds this Śāka dweepa. On this island is a huge Śāka tree due to which this island obtained its name. This entire island is permeated with the fragrance that emits from this tree.

Priyavrata’s son, Medhātithi rules this island. He divided this island into 7 sub-islands and distributed them among his 7 sons i.e. Purojava, Manojava, Pavamāna, Dhūmrānīka, Chitrarepha, Bahurūpa and Viśwadhāra. The islands bear the same name as the son who rules it. Thereafter Medhātithi retired to the forests with the intent of dedicating his mind entirely to the sole Lord of the universe.

The 7 mountains which border these 7 islands are īśāna, Uruśṛṇga, Bālabhadra, Śatakeśara, Sahasraśrota, Devapāla and Mahanāsa. The 7 sacred rivers that flow through these islands are Anagha, Āyurdā, Ubhayapṛṣṭi, Aparājitā, Pancapadi, Sahasraśruti and Nijadhṛti.

Inhabitants of these islands are divided into 4 castes viz., Rtavrata, Satyavrata, Dānavrata and Anuvrata. Through Prāṇāyāma they destroy their traits of passion and ignorance. They worship Wind God with intense concentration.

Antaḥ-praviśya bhūtāni yo bibharty ātma-ketubhiḥ Antaryāmīśvaraḥ sākṣāt pātu no yad-vaśe sphuṭam

The Supreme Lord enters into the living entities and through his 5 tasks (vital airs) known as Prāṇa, Apāna etc. He sustains them. He retains this entire visible world under his sway. Remaining as the Self within the entity He controls everything. May this Lord protect us always!

Likewise beyond the ocean of curd lies the island Pushkara dweepa which is twice the breadth of the Śāka dweepa. This has been created by the Supreme Lord. This island is surrounded by the ocean filled with sweet waters. Within this island is a huge lotus which is the seat for Lord Brahma. This lotus consists of 10 crore golden petals that illumine like fire.

In the centre of this Pushkara island is a huge mountain called Mānasottara which separates the eastern and western directions. This mountain is 10,000 Yojanās (80,000 miles) in breadth and in height. On its four sides are the residences of Indra and other guardian deities. The Sun God mounts his chariot and orbits above this mountain encircling the Mount Meru. The time period of a year (samvatsara) is the orbit of the Sun.

The path of the Sun is divided into two portions viz., Uttarāyaṇa (travelling northwards) and Dakśināyana (travelling southwards). These transform into the day and night for the Devatas.

Priyavrata’s son Vītihotra is the ruler of this island. He has two sons Ramaṇakā and Dhātaki. He has divided the island into two and distributed it among them. Like his forefathers he too thereafter fixed his mind entirely upon the Supreme Lord.

The inhabitants of these two islands are eternally engaged in righteous activities. They worship the Supreme Lord as Brahma and offer the following prayer, “

Yat tat karmamayaṁ liṅgaṁ brahma-liṅgaṁ jano ’rcayet Ekāntam advayaṁ śāntaṁ tasmai bhagavate nama iti

The Supreme Lord who is non-dual and eternally peaceful has manifested as Brahma and is eternally situated in the task of creation. The one who worships Brahma obtains Supreme Knowledge. The living entity should necessarily worship Lord Brahma, who is eternally established in meditating upon the Supreme Lord. We offer obeisance to the Supreme Lord who has manifested as Brahma.

Beyond this sweet ocean lie the famous impassable Lokāloka Mountains which separate the areas illumined by the Sun’s rays from those not illumined by them. In other words Sun’s rays do not cross the Lokāloka mountains to travel to the other side.

The areas from Mount Meru to Mount Mānasottara are suitable for the existence of living entities. Beyond this is the golden land which reflects like the back cover of a mirror. The movement of living entities gets hidden due to its reflection. Living entities do not exist here.

Sankarśanāya namah
