SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0294: The various divisions in Earth; the story of Ganga

The third among these four famous mountains is the Supārṣva Mountain. On this mountain stands a huge Kadamba tree. From its hollows five rivers of honey flow each of them being 40 feet wide. They drip from the Suparśva Mountain and fall on earth. They flow on the west of the Ilāvṛta Island enhancing its beauty, filling it with divine fragrance and causing joy to the living entities there.

The breeze which touches the mouths of those who drink in this honey carries the fragrance for a distance of 800 miles (100 Yojanās).

Likewise on Mountain Kumuda is the famous banyan tree known as Śatavalśa. From the hollows of its branches many rivers flow. They shower milk, curd, ghee, honey, rice, jaggery and other food grains, clothing, furniture, bedding, vehicles, ornaments or any other object as desired by the being. These rivers fall from Mount Kumuda and flow on the northern side of Ilāvṛta Island rendering that land prosperous.

Those who consume the objects blessed by these rivers never suffer from wrinkling of skin or graying of hair. They do not experience fatigue, bad odour, sweating, old age, diseases, heat-cold and other extremities, death, debilitation of any limbs or any other form of suffering. Free from afflictions they spend their lifetime in joys and comforts.

Just like the hairy substance seen near the lotus filament, all around Mountain Meru there are 20 mountains beautifully consecrated by the Supreme Lord. They are Kuraṇga, Kurara, Kusumbha, Vaikaṇka, Trikuṭa, Śiśira, Patanga, Rucaka, Niṣadha, Srinivāsa, Kapila, Śankha, Vaidurya, Jārudhi, Hamsa, Rṣabha, Nāga, Kālanjara and Nārada.

Towards the east of Mountain Meru are the Jaṭhara and Devakūṭa Mountains which stretch from north to the south having a length of 144,000 miles (18,000 Yojanās). Both in width and height they are 16,000 miles (2000 Yojanas).

To the west of Mountain Meru are the Pavana and Pariyātra Mountains. To its South are Kailāsa and Karaveera Mountains. To its north are Triṣṛnga and Makara Mountains. In this way all around the golden Mountain Meru there are 8 mountains which are like the 8 enclosures. With 8 kinds of fire and 8 types of fire-woods this Mount Meru illumines brightly.

At the centre of Mount Meru’s peak is Lord Brahma’s city called Brahmapuri. Mahatmas state that it is made of gold. All its four sides are symmetrical and equal. It is 1 crore Yojanās long.

In the 8 directions around this city are the cities of the Guardian-deities of those directions. Although they resemble Brahma’s city, each of them is just one-fourth its size. These cities are exactly in proportion to the requirements of those Guardian-deities.

With this the sixteenth chapter of the fifth canto comes to an end.

            **Fifth Canto Chapter Seventeen**

In this chapter, description of River Ganga and Shiva worshipping Lord Sankarśana are explained.

Maharishi Śuka said, “O Parikshit! In the Yagna conducted by the demon-king Bali, the Supreme Lord incarnated as Vāmana. In 3 steps He measured the entire cosmos. While He was thus measuring, His left toe-nail pierced through the cover of the universe. A hole was formed from which water began to flow. This water washed the lotus feet of the Lord. Due to the red kumkum on the Lord’s feet, this water turned red in colour and hence was titled Bhagavad-padi. It means ‘that which is associated with the Lord’s lotus feet’. Based on its different attributes, with the passage of time, this water acquired many names. One among them is Ganga.

**Merely by touching the waters of Ganga impurities are totally washed away in the person. In addition, the mind is rendered pure from all the sins. **

After a 1000 Maha-yugas had elapsed, this water reached Dhruva-mandala, which is addressed as the crown amongst heavenly planets. Mahatmas extol this planet as Vishṇu pada.

As this Ganga has originated from the feet of his presiding deity Lord Vishnu, Uttanapādā’s son Dhruva, respectfully sprinkles these waters on his head thrice a day. He, the resident of this planet, is very firm in his austerities.

Dhruva is the best among the ardent devotees of the Lord. His devotion towards the Lord intensifies by the day due to which his heart, which overflows with devotion, loses equilibrium and from his half-closed eyes water flows like a continuous stream. His body experiences horripilation all the time.

The glory of Ganga is very well known to the seven great sages who reside in the Sapta rishi manḍala. Hence, believing that obtaining Ganga is the ultimate fruit for their penance, they reverentially retain the waters of Ganga in their hair locks. Just as those who intensely desire liberation reverentially welcome it, these eminent sages reverentially worship Mother Ganga. Even to this date they revere it.

On this earth, touching this sacred Ganga, bathing in its water and by drinking them, the sins of many many births are washed away.

Sridharāya namah
