SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0291: Understanding the allegory; the descendants of Bharata.

Vishnave namah

The person who reaches hell or who has landed in tremendous difficulties hangs on to the thread called destiny. After undergoing a lot of pain he returns back and once again joining the group of living entities continues to perform fruitive actions that further trap him into samsara. He continues the journey of life.

Similarly, the living being who has reached heavens on the strength of his meritorious deeds also returns back to earth after exhausting his merit there. He too joins the group of living entities and continues his activities. In this way he forever rotates in the cycle of repeated re-births (samsāra). In the story this concept was symbolically explained by stating that the trader falls into a well and there he precariously hangs on to life by holding on to the creepers.

Elders often sing these hymns extolling Bharata:

Ārṣabhasyeha rājarṣer manasāpi mahātmanaḥ Nānuvartmārhati nṛpo makṣikeva garutmataḥ

The saintly king Bharata, the son of Rṣabha, was a supreme Mahatma. It is impossible for anyone, including great kings, to walk on the path treaded by him. Just as flies cannot travel on Garuda’s path, no other entity can travel on his path.

Even when he was young Bharata was desperate to obtain Srihari, who is of pure reputation. Hence he completely discarded his beautiful wife who held sway over his mind, his sons, friends and kingdom just as a person discards feces or impurities. To give up luxuries is nearly impossible task especially for great emperors and kings who are totally surrounded by them. This exalted king was never attached to them. He successfully cut his relationship with them all.

Even great Gods ardently worship Goddess Lakshmi hoping that She would cast her compassionate gaze upon them. Emperor Bharata, the supreme king, never ever desired this. This is because the hearts of ardent devotees are filled with the desire to serve the Lord who is consecrated therein. In their hearts other desires and other Gods have no place. To such devotees even ultimate liberation, which is totally freed from re-births, is insignificant.

Yajñāya dharma-pataye vidhi-naipuṇāya Yogāya sāṅkhya-śirase prakṛtīśvarāya Nārāyaṇāya haraye nama ity udāraṁ Hāsyan mṛgatvam api yaḥ samudājahāra

Even when he was giving up his deer body, in a loud clear voice Bharata said, “Srihari, the embodiment of Yagna, is the Lord of dharma. He exists in the form of Yagna and thus ensures the performance of Vaidika karma (Vedic rituals). Spiritual aspirants reach Him through the process of knowledge which is His form. Nature (Prakriti) is under His control. Sānkhya philosophy extols Him. I offer obeisance to Lord Srihari, who resides within every living being in the form of the Self”.

Devotees of the Lord always glorify the pure, noble qualities and actions of the saintly king Bharata. His story which is the repository of all auspiciousness, blesses the person with longevity, prosperity, fame, heaven and liberation. All the desires of the person who hears this story when it is being narrated by Mahatmas; the desires of the person who narrates it to others and of the person who reveres it, will be fulfilled. Such persons need not seek any other shelter for the fulfillment of their desires.

Fifth Canto Chapter Fifteen

In this chapter the stories of the descendants of King Bharata are explained.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Bharata’s son was Sumati. He was of great renown. He followed the path of Rṣabhadeva. However in Kali Yuga people tread the sinful path that goes against the tenets of the Vedas and behave according to their whims. Disregarding Vedas such people, based on their intelligence, create newer Gods. Without understanding Sumati, who was treading the path of Rṣabhadeva, they declared that he was a God who was hitherto unknown by the Vedas.

Vṛddhasena was the wife of Sumati. Their son was Devatājit. Devatājit married Āsuri and this couple had a son named Devadyumna. Through wife Dhenumatī, Devadyumna begot a son named Parameṣṭi. Parameṣṭī married Suvarchala and they had a son named Pratīha.

With a complete pure inner mind, Pratīha preached Self-knowledge. In his pure heart he consecrated the Supreme Lord. From wife Suvarchala he begot 3 sons viz., Pratīhartā, Prastotā and Udghāta. They possessed great expertise in conducting Yagna and other Vedic rituals. Among these three sons Pratīharta begot 2 sons Aja and Bhūma from wife Stuti.

Bhūma married Rṣikulya and begot a son name Udgīta. Udgīta married Devakulya and this couple had a son named Prastāva. Prastāva married Niyutsa and they had a son named Vibhu. Vibhu married Rati and their son was Pṛthuṣeṇa. From wife Ākuti Pṣthuṣeṇa had a son named Nakta. Nakta married Dhṛti and their son was Gaya. Gaya was a famous saintly king.

**It is mandatory to listen to all these names. Only then Bhāgavata vrata can be completed. **

Gaya who was a partial incarnation of Mahavishnu possessed the desire to protect this entire world. He was an embodiment of goodness. Due to his noble qualities he was extolled by all.

Trivikramaya namah
