SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0288: Understanding the allegory.. contd.

Sometimes the person is engaged in business of lending and receiving money. In such situations he cheats others and steals money due to which he develops enmity with others. In addition, in this path of samsāra impediments and difficulties such as joys-sorrows, fear, likes-dislikes, ego, self-respect, mistakes, stupidity, infatuation, attachments, greed, impatience, vengeance, insult, hunger, thirst, mental and physical diseases, birth, old age and death occur.

The ignorant person is embraced by illusion (māya) who comes in the form of a woman. She embraces him with her arms that are like tender creepers. When he rests in them he loses discrimination between rightful and wrongful deeds. He will be anxious to build a house for her who in reality is nothing but illusion. His heart succumbs to this urgency of providing her a home.

Son, daughter, daughter-in-law and grandchildren, who are children born from illusion, also take shelter in this home. He then takes great delight in the chatter of his wife and children. He is totally amused by the pranks of his children. His senses are totally engaged in completing worldly transactions and he completely loses mind control. Thus he alone is the cause for his fall into the deep dark unending pit of spiritual ignorance known as hell.

Beginning with tiny invisible atoms, time grows immensely and covers the entire lifespan of Brahma i.e. 1000 kalpas. This time which moves in a circular fashion is known as the wheel of time. This wheel of time is the discus of the eternal, all-pervading Lord. Rotating endlessly at invisible speeds, it snatches away the mind of all living entities right from a blade of grass and up to the creator Lord Brahma, even as they are watching. Here it should be understood that it snatches away the lifespan of all living entities even as they are watching.

Even then the ignorant human does not fear time (death)! Instead of seeking shelter under the Supreme Lord Iśwara, he seeks shelter under those owls, vultures or cranes that tread the path which is against the dictates of the Vedas. Seeking shelter in unrighteousness he discards righteousness. Tantras which lack Vedic-backing are the cause for the existence of these religions which deviate from the path of God. Such religions do have Vedic proofs.

Pākhanda refer to those who have cheated themselves and fallen. They in turn cheat people who approach them. The ignorant who is cheated by these pākhandis now approaches real Supremely Knowledgeable Yogis who are the ardent devotees of the Lord. He begins to live among them and mingle with them.

Brahmins strictly adhere to all Vedic karmas beginning with thread ceremony. Every single day they unfailingly worship Srihari who is an embodiment of Yagnas. This ignorant person is not comfortable with all these Vedic rituals. Hence he moves away from this group and instead mingles with those who are treading the path of unrighteousness.

These people who have strayed from the Vedic path lead impure lifestyles. Sustaining the family and fulfilling sexual needs is their only goal in life. It can be said that they live like animals. Here men and women spend their lifetime admiring each other and fulfilling their sexual needs. This ignorant human loves to associate with such impure people. Here, fully utilizing his freedom without any limitations he behaves as he pleases. He fearlessly walks on the path of unrighteousness. In fact he would have left others far behind on this path.

He fails to understand that death is quickly approaching him. He believes that these visible worldly comforts are the sum-total of life and thus enjoys them to the maximum through his eyes, ears, tongue, skin and nose. For this reason he can be aptly compared to monkeys who only eat the fruits from the trees and while away their time. As he is deeply attached to his wife and children, sensory pleasures appear as if they give him the ultimate bliss in life.

Swamiji explains: The entire life journey of the ignorant human being was explained in the form of story of traders. Being spiritually enlightened Rahūgaṇa could understand the hidden significance in the allegory narrated by Jadabharata. However Parikshit did not understand and hence begged for the hidden symbolism. Maharishi Śuka is now explaining this. Bees, mosquitoes, python, monkeys, swans referred to in the story were the real-life experiences undergone. It is our story that is being told here. It is for our understanding that such detailed explanation is being given.
