SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0271: The glory of Rṣabha Avadhoota

Namo Nārayaṇa

Verses which praises Rṣabha’s incarnation are:

Aho bhuvaḥ sapta-samudravatyā dvīpeṣu varṣeṣv adhipuṇyam etat Gāyanti yatratya-janā murāreḥ karmāṇi bhadrāṇy avatāravanti

What wonder! Among all continents on this earth which is surrounded by the 7 oceans, the land of Bhārat is very pure. The inhabitants of this country sing the glories of Lord Murāri, the destroyer of demon Mura.

Aho nu vaṁśo yaśasāvadātaḥ praiyavrato yatra pumān purāṇaḥ Kṛtāvatāraḥ puruṣaḥ sa ādyaś cacāra dharmaṁ yad akarma-hetum

What wonder! In the eternally pure lineage of Priyavrata, Lord Srihari incarnated as Rṣabha. Due to his birth, the pure lineage acquired even more purity. Rṣabhadeva was beyond this repeated cycle of re-births. He is the inner witness who resides within every being. He is the cause of the existence of this creation. He is eternal. Due to the birth of the Supreme Lord, the lineage of Priyavrata acquired great renown.

He adhered to the moksha-dharma (path leading towards liberation) in which the person is totally established in the Self and hence is free from fruitive actions. None in this creation can ever adhere to the stringent Yogic austerities as undertaken by Rṣabha. It is impossible to even imagine about them.

It is normal for Yogis to aspire for supernatural powers. Such supernatural powers repeatedly begged Rṣabdhadeva to accept them. However as he was aware that they were the illusory creations he did not relent to their request.

Rṣabhadeva protected Vedas, the different worlds, Devatas, Brahmins and cows. He is the Parama-guru. Parikshit, I have narrated his pure story so far. This story dispels all the sins of the listener. It is a repository of all auspicious traits. The spiritual aspirant should, with absolute concentration, speak or listen to this story every single day without fail.

Puṁsāṁ samasta-duścaritā-bhiharaṇaṁ parama-mahā-maṅgalāyanam idam anuśraddha-yopacita-yānuśṛṇoty āśrāvayati vāvahito bhagavati tasmin vāsudeva ekāntato bhaktir anayor api samanuvartate.

Both the speaker and listener will be blessed with absolute selfless devotion towards Srihari. **Supremely knowledgeable jnanis endlessly bathe their mind in feelings of devotion. Due to this, the otherwise intolerable afflictions caused by the world are weakened. Such unflinching devotion rewards them with infinite bliss. **

As they consider themselves to be devotees of the Lord, all their desires get fulfilled. At that time they will be in that supreme state wherein they reject even heavenly comforts that automatically come to them.

Rājan patir gurur alaṁ bhavatāṁ yadūnāṁ Daivaṁ priyaḥ kula-patiḥ kva ca kiṅkaro vaḥ astv evam aṅga bhagavān bhajatāṁ mukundo muktiṁ dadāti karhicit sma na bhakti-yogam

O Emperor Parikshit! Srihari personally protects and guides you and the Yadavas. He is your Guru, friend and is the worshipful deity for your clan. Like a servant he has completed the tasks assigned by the members of this clan. He may perhaps behave in this manner towards certain other devotees. As the Lord of liberation, He is the one who blesses the person with liberation. However He never directly grants bhakti (devotion) to the devotee.

Being eternally established in the Self, Rṣabhadeva was totally devoid of desires. Ordinary humans however consider this body, which is of fleeting existence, as permanent. They continue to remain ignorant in matters pertaining to liberation and Self. I offer obeisance to Rṣabhadeva, who taught the knowledge of the Self to ignorant human beings. Namo bhagavate Rṣabhāya tasmai.

With this the sixth chapter of the fifth canto comes to an end.

Fifth Canto Chapter Seven

In this chapter Bharata, son of Rṣabha, going to Pulaha ashrama and undertaking penance is explained.

Maharishi Śuka now began the story of Bharata, “O king, it was Rṣabhadeva’s intention that Bharata should rule the kingdom. Bharata fulfilled this wish of his father. He married Pancajani, daughter of Vishwaroopa.

Egoism which emerges from the cosmic intelligence (Mahat tattva) creates the five gross elements of earth, water, fire, wind and space. Likewise Bharata from wife Pancajani had 5 suitable sons”.
