Bhagavatam 0254: Maharishi Nārada explains the composition of the Subtle-body
Vishnāve namah Maharishi Narada continues, “Sometimes incidents which have not been seen or heard either in this birth or in previous births come to memory.
Vishnāve namah Maharishi Narada continues, “Sometimes incidents which have not been seen or heard either in this birth or in previous births come to memory.
Etad adhyātma-pārokṣyaṁ gītaṁ devarṣiṇānagha Yaḥ śrāvayed yaḥ śṛṇuyāt sa liṅgena vimucyate
Vishṇave namah Srihari continued, “Based on my command, your father Emperor Pracina-barhi has ordered you to expand your lineage through children.
The Pracetās continued, “Asāv eva varo ’smākam īpsito jagataḥ pate Prasanno bhagavān yeṣām apavarga-gurur gatiḥ
Trivikramāya namah Pracetās now came out of the ocean waters. They saw that the entire earth filled with trees so tall that they appeared to be touching the skies.
Trivikramāya namah Maharishi Nārada continues, “The Sun which causes rainfall absorbs back this same water during summer.