SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0256: The Pracetās glorify Lord Srihari who has manifested before them

Vishṇave namah

Srihari continued, “Based on my command, your father Emperor Pracina-barhi has ordered you to expand your lineage through children. Hence without further delay please go ahead and marry that girl. All of you are strictly abiding by the same principles and rules of righteousness. That girl also abides by the same rules of dharma. Hence marry her immediately. She will offer her heart to you all. May she become your wife!

Due to My grace, you all will be blessed with unending power for 10 lakh celestial years. You will enjoy not only the luxuries of this earthly planet but also those of the heavenly planets. Your devotion towards Me will remain steadfast. As a result, the impurities and desires, which emerge due to the influence of the trigunas, will get completely destroyed in you all. With this you will develop dispassion towards these luxuries, which are hellish in nature. You will merge completely into My form and thus merge into Me!

Gṛheṣv āviśatāṁ cāpi puṁsāṁ kuśala-karmaṇām Mad-vārtā-yā tayā-mānāṁ na bandhāya gṛhā matāḥ

Through discriminatory intelligence the human being should be able to distinguish between righteous and unrighteous activities. While doing this he should utilize his time for contemplating upon the Supreme Lord. Then his life as a house-holder will not bind him into the trap of worldly bondages.

Due to endless contemplation I, who am an embodiment of wisdom, make myself visible in the heart of the devotee in eternally fresher and newer ways. The knowers of Brahman address this as Brahma.

Due to this endless contemplation upon the Supreme, the aspirant does not experience joy, sorrow or attachment towards worldly activities. Srihari punishes the wicked and also uplifts them. Such a Supreme Lord blesses them with the fulfillment of the four aims of life (puruśārthas)” said Lord Srihari.

Hearing these words spoken by the Supreme Lord, the Pracetās folded their hands and offered obeisance to Him. With His darshan all the impurities that existed in their mind, due to the existence of the trigunas, were totally washed away. With overflowing devotion they praised the Lord,

Namo namaḥ kleśa-vināśanāya nirūpitodāra-guṇāhvayāya Mano-vaco-vega-puro-javāya sarvākṣa-mārgair agatādhvane namaḥ

O Lord, you dispel the sufferings of your devotees. Those attributes of Yours through which the scriptures prove your existence become the names (nāmās) that extol your greatness. Your form is beyond the reach of the mind, senses and speech. We offer our respectful obeisance to You!

You have accepted the attributes of the illusory power as Your carrier (body). Through this You create, sustain and absorb this universe. Even then You are eternally situated in Your original Self. As such, feelings of egoism (I-ness) do not exist in You. You are freed from the feelings “I am performing the action”. The disturbance caused due to imbalances of the trigunas does not affect You.

You are the cause and support for this illusory universe, which although not having a real existence, illumines in the mind. We offer our obeisance again and again to You. O Lord Srihari! You are a personification of Shuddha sattva. The person who understands Your real essence is freed from the shackles of re-birth. Incarnating as Srikrishna, the son of Vasudeva, You have become the leader of all those who are filled with traits of goodness.

You are the pure consciousness within which all the worlds illumine. You, who are the personification of bliss, are the Lord for those devotees who are predominantly filled with pure traits. We offer our obeisance to You.

Namaḥ kamala-nābhāya namaḥ kamala-māline Namaḥ kamala-pādāya namas te kamalekṣaṇa

O lotus eyed Lord Srihari! You wear a garland of lotuses around Your neck. From Your abdomen arises a lotus within which all worlds exist. Again and again we offer obeisance to Your feet which resemble lotuses. You wear pure clean golden yellow clothing which resembles the lotus filament.

You reside within every living being as the inner witness. Drowned in spiritual ignorance and feelings of egoism we are tormented badly. Your pleasing form dispels all forms of sufferings. You have manifested in that form purely for our benefit. Can there be any blessings greater than this?

O Lord Srihari! You are the destroyer of inauspiciousness! You shower Your compassionate gaze upon the down-trodden. Every devotee of Yours, who is engrossed in serving Your lotus feet, should periodically remember that You belong to them. With this they will achieve fulfillment in life. All their difficulties will come to an end. You are the Self who resides within all insignificant living entities. As such You are aware of all the desires that sprout in our hearts”.

Trivikramāya namah
