SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0255: Srihari manifests before Pracetās

Etad adhyātma-pārokṣyaṁ gītaṁ devarṣiṇānagha Yaḥ śrāvayed yaḥ śṛṇuyāt sa liṅgena vimucyate

“He who listens to this supreme story in which Self-knowledge has been indirectly preached by Maharishi Nārada or who explains it to others will obtain freedom from his subtle body. In other words, he will obtain liberation.

This story which has emerged from the face of Maharishi Nārada, the supreme among divine saints, is filled with the glory of Lord Srihari who grants liberation to all beings. This story which is of great renown will purify the entire world. It enables the spiritual aspirant to obtain liberation through purification of his mind. The spiritual aspirant who grasps this story while it is being narrated by great saints will obtain freedom from all worldly bondages and will no longer rotate in this repeated cycle of re-births.

This story, which in reality is an allegory, is truly astonishing. I have obtained this as an initiation and have now imparted it to you. Through a proper understanding of this story feelings of egoism will be dissipated in the spiritual aspirant and he will obtain liberation. His doubts about other worlds and life after death will be dissolved” said Maitreya Maharishi.

With this the twenty ninth chapter of fourth canto comes to an end.

Fourth Canto Chapter Thirty

In this chapter the Pracetas having the darshan of Lord Srihari and extolling Him; they returning home after obtaining boons from Him; their marriage to the daughter of trees and their rule are covered.

Vidura enquired from Maitreya Maharishi, “O venerable one, you had earlier explained that Pracetās, the 10 sons of Emperor Prācina-barhi, had received initiation from Lord Rudra. Following His advice, they took up austerities, pleased Supreme Lord Srihari and achieved accomplishment. O saint, what was the accomplishment achieved by them? Pracatās were blessed with the unexpected darshan of Rudra, the Lord of Kailasa. Srihari is the Lord who grants liberation. Rudra is very dear to Srihari. Therefore it is undoubtedly certain that they would have been blessed with supreme liberation, which is the ultimate goal of human life. However before merging into the Lord, what were the intermediary states obtained by them? What were their accomplishments in this world and the next? Please narrate this”.

Maharishi Maitreya replied, “Pracetās were the obedient sons of Emperor Pracina-barhi. Abiding by their father’s order, they undertook intense austerities in the form of penance (japa yagna) while standing in the waters of the ocean. Their penance went on for a period of 10,000 years. Through this they pleased Srihari, who is the cause for the entire creation.

Srihari appeared before them in an extremely pleasing and peaceful form. This Lord who is an embodiment of completeness is over and above time. His pleasing form washed away from them, the exhaustion due to the intense penance performed for a long period of time.

Suparṇa-skandha mārūḍho meru-śṛṅgam ivāmbudaḥ Pīta-vāsā maṇi-grīvaḥ kurvan vitimirā diśaḥ

Lord Srihari, who was wearing golden yellow clothing and who was seated upon Garuda’s shoulders, was shining like the cloud resting upon Mount Meru. His chest was adorned with a Kausthuba gem. With limitless radiance He was dispelling the darkness from all directions.

His face was glowing radiantly due to the presence of the multi-coloured ornaments made of gold. He had worn a golden crown. In His hands 8 golden weapons were shining resplendently. He was surrounded by attendants, great saints and guardian-deities who were serving Him. Like a Kinnara (a type of celestial), His vehicle Garuda was rendering His divine glory.

His long Vanamala garland, which decorated His 8 long powerful arms, appeared to be competing in radiance with Goddess Lakshmi who was resting on the chest situated within it. This Lord who is the cause for the entire creation and who is an embodiment of completeness showered His compassionate gaze upon Pracetās, the 10 sons of Emperor Barhiśat and said,

“O princes, there is great harmony and friendship between you all. All of you are inclined towards the same dharma. I am deeply touched by the harmony and unity that you maintain. Please seek any boon. May you be blessed with auspiciousness!

Yo ’nusmarati sandhyāyāṁ yuṣmān anudinaṁ naraḥ Tasya bhrātṛṣv ātma-sāmyaṁ tathā bhūteṣu sauhṛdam

The human being who remembers you during Sandhya period will love his brothers as much as he loves his own Self. He will develop feelings of love towards all forms of life.

Ye tu māṁ rudra-gītena sāyaṁ prātaḥ samāhitāḥ Stuvanty ahaṁ kāma-varān dāsye prajñāṁ ca śobhanām

I will fulfill the desires of the person who worships Me with absolute concentration through the hymn Rudra-gita both in the morning and evening times. In addition, I will bless him with sharp intelligence.

Joyfully you have accepted your father’s command and have strictly abided by it. Hence your fame will travel all over the world. You will be blessed with a son who will be equal to Lord Brahma. He will obtain great renown. With his progeny he will fill the entire three worlds.

O Princes, the Apsara Pramloca and Maharishi Kandu have been blessed with a black-eyed beautiful daughter. The mother has abandoned the baby in the forest and has returned to heaven. The trees took over the responsibility of raising this beautiful infant.

When this infant was crying unable to bear the pangs of hunger, Moon, who is the presiding deity for herbs and trees, felt sorry for her. He put his finger, which showers nectar, into her mouth.

This girl has reached the marriageable age. Based on my command, your father Emperor Pracina-barhi has ordered you to expand your lineage through children. Hence without further delay please go ahead and marry that girl”.

Krishnave namah
