SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 18-08-2017
Bhagavatam 0173: The Trinity incarnate as the sons of Maharishi Atri; the progeny of Maharishi Angirasa

Pranāyāma fuelled the flames. The three worlds trembled due to the intensity of these flames. The Trinity observed the situation and deciding to bless the Maharishi Atri, they simultaneously appeared before him.

Due to the presence of the Trinity, the sage’s mind illumined brightly and became blissful. It was overflowing with knowledge. He came out of his meditative state. He, who was standing on one leg, now opened his eyes and saw the Trinity who were in front of him.

He saw Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara seated on the Swan, Garuda (eagle) and Vṛśabha (bull) respectively. They were shining resplendently with the kamandalu (water pot), discus and trident in their respective hands. They gaze was filled with compassion. Their faces were glowing with charming smiles.

Realizing that they were pleased with him, Maharishi Atri’s joy knew no bounds. Instantly, he fell to the ground and prostrated before them. With plentiful flowers he worshipped them. Unable to withstand their powerful luster, he closed his eyes. He folded his palms and fixed his mind exclusively upon them. He praised them through Vedic chants. He prayed,

Viśvodbhava-sthiti-layeṣu vibhajyamānair māyā-guṇair anuyuga vighīta-dehā

Te brahma-viṣṇu-giriśā praato ’smy aha vas tebhyaḥ ka eva bhavatā ma ihopahūta

In every time period (kalpa), the Supreme Lord with the help of his illusory power, runs this entire creation. Accepting traits of action (rajas), He manifests as Brahma and creates this universe. Accepting traits of goodness (sattva) He manifests as Vishnu and protects this universe. Accepting traits of ignorance (tamas) He manifests as Rudra so as to absorb the universe back into Himself. I offer my obeisance to you three, who are manifestations of that Supreme Lord. I have meditated only upon one form. You however appear before me in three forms. Hence please tell me, upon whom did I meditate?

Seeking virtuous progeny, I fixed my heart solely upon the single Supreme Lord and meditated upon Him. I worshipped Him with varied rituals. O Lords, You are the Supreme Devatas who are beyond the reach of human minds. What is the reason for You to appear in three forms, when I have meditated upon a single form? I am deeply astonished at this. Please be kind enough to explain this to me”.

The Trinity laughed pleasantly and in their melodious voices said, “

Yathā kṛtas te saṅkalpo bhāvyaṁ tenaiva nānyathā

Sat-saṅkalpasya te Brahman yad vai dhyāyati te vayam

O great saint! You have the yogic perfection in your intention. What you seek will surely be fulfilled. We are the Supreme Lord upon whom you have meditated with firm intent. Although we appear in three forms, in reality we are only one. This is the decisive truth. We do not have differences amongst us. For this reason, although you worshipped only one God, we are appearing before you in three forms.

O Maharishi! You will be blessed with three sons, who will be born with our aspects. They will achieve great fame and will enhance your glory. May you be blessed with auspiciousness!”

In this way the Trinity bestowed boons upon Maharishi Atri and blessed him. The great sage worshipped them with supreme devotion. As the saintly couple was admiring them, the three Lords vanished.

Somo ’bhūd brahmaṇo ’ṁśena datto viṣṇos tu yogavit

Durvāsāḥ śakarasyāśo nibodhāṅgirasa prajā

The Moon (Chandra) with Brahma’s aspect, Dattatreya with Vishnu’s aspect and Durvāsa with Rudra’s aspect were subsequently born to this holy couple.

Let us now discuss about the progeny of Maharishi Angirasa, the third amongst the mind born sons of Lord Brahma.

Shraddha, the daughter of Kardama Prajāpati and Devahuti, was the wife of Maharishi Angirasa. This couple had four daughters viz., Sinīvālī, Kuhu, Rāka and Anumati.

Sinīvālī means the fourteenth day of the waning fortnight (Krishna chaturdaśi). Kuhu refers to the newmoon (Amavasya). Rāka means fullmoon (Purnima). Anumati means the fourteenth day of the waxing fortnight (Shukla chaturdaśi). These four daughters symbolize the time periods pertaining to important Vedic rituals.

In addition, this couple had two sons Uthatya and Brihaspati.

Adokshajāya namah.
