SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0796: Yashoda and Nanda shed profuse tears remembering Srikrishna

Narayana Krishna

Nanda continued, “Uddhava, with one hand Krishna lifted up the mammoth bow whose length was similar to 3 palm trees and broke it as easily as an elephant breaks a small stick’.”

Nanda and other cowherds had witnessed these incidents while at Mathura. Time and again they were recounting the same.

“For seven continuous nights and days He held the Mountain Govardhana with one hand. In Brindavana, Srikrishna playfully killed the mighty demons Pralamba, Dhenuka. Ariṣṭāsura, Tŗṇāvarta, Baka, Aghāsura and others”.

Nanda was explaining Krishna’s glory to Uddhava. He was again recollecting all the past divine deeds of the Lord. Recollecting all the past incidents and grieving in agony is the true definition of the phrase ‘the agony of separation’. Krishna was no longer visible to their eyes- hence they were recollecting all the various past conversations- what He had said, on which day He had said, the miracles shown by Him and so on. Krishna would, time and again, preach to them Spiritual Knowledge.

They now recollected all the lessons taught by Him. This recollection of His past actions would fill their eyes with tears. They would then weep, ‘When will Krishna return home? Will He come for us? How many more days we have to wait for Him?’. From day one they were grieving and waiting for Him. Even before Krishna left Brindavan, the Gopikas began to weep. Not seeing Him for two months made them emaciated and weak. Neither did they feel hungry nor did they desire to sleep. However abiding by the body’s dharmas, they ate and sleep at stipulated times. They desired to live solely to see the Lord again.

“Nanda continued, ‘These two brothers had in the past conquered all the Devatas and demons’.

Nanda, who was thus overcome with love for Krishna and whose mind was totally fixed upon Krishna, thus recollected all His activities and agonized”.

Every few minutes he was enquiring about Krishna and His well-being. He was lovingly recollecting His activities and simultaneously shedding tears at His absence.

“As the desire to see his son Srikrishna overtook him, Nanda turned emotional and remained silent. He remained like a statue. Due to overflowing love for her son Srikrishna, milk flowed from the breasts of mother Yashoda. She was listening to the incidents being narrated by her husband”.

Listening to the incidents, thinking about her son, singing His glories, eagerly waiting to see Him again, Yashoda was laughing and crying simultaneously. Milk began to flow from her breasts, due to love for her son.

“As she heard her husband talking, she could no longer contain her tears which flowed profusely from her eyes”.

From this, the supreme love that Nanda and Yashoda had towards Srikrishna, the Supreme Lord comes to be known.

“Uddhava, who was deeply touched and delighted by the supreme love shown by the couple towards Srikrishna, addressed Nanda and said,”

Until then, Uddhava was not given a chance to speak. They were recollecting every single activity of Krishna, since His infancy, and then enquiring, ‘Uddhava, does He remember us?’ As they spoke, their eyes were filling up with tears and their voices were chocking. For sometime they would be unable to get themselves to talk. Their vision would be blurred due to the tears. Such was their faith, devotion and love for Srikrishna! After long time, Nanda could no longer get himself to speak. He simply remained silent. Uddhava then addressed Nanda and spoke.

“Uddhava said, “O King Nanda, among the living entities that constitute this creation, both of you are highly venerable and praiseworthy”.

Merely by remembering Nanda and Yashoda a person can be blessed with residence in the ultimate plane- the Go-loka. Talking about them, seeing them, thinking of them is enough to grant the ultimate state.

“This is because, you have limitless love towards Narayana, the father of all the living entities in the creation. Aha! How fortunate am I to have been blessed with this opportunity of meeting you both!

When Srikrishna, the Lord of liberation and who is complete in all aspects, is the instrumental cause (nimitta karana) for this creation, Balarama, who is the illusionary energy (maya shakti), has become the material cause (Upādana karana).

These two, who in reality are above eternal time, enter into the living entities and, while remaining as the inner Self, they regulate the different types of minds.”

They have enveloped every living entity. They have entered every mind and have transformed into innumerable living entities. Such Supreme Lord regulates every single living entity in the creation.

“The karmic bondages of the living entity, who at the time of death, fixes his mind solely upon such Supreme Lord, will be totally reduced to ashes”.

In order to avail this, during the lifetime we need to practice fixing the mind upon Him. If it is not put into practice, then suddenly when the life-force departs from the body, we may not be able to remember Him or focus mind upon Him. At that last moment our mind focuses upon the pain being experienced by the body. We will be narrating our pain to every visitor, ‘O, my leg pain is unbearable. Oh..ho, please fetch a doctor. I am unable to move my leg. I experience a burning sensation in my body. Oh.. it is so painful’- they focus only on their pain but not on the Lord. if at all they had to think, ‘Even in this burning sensation I am able to see the Lord’, and thus fix the mind upon the Lord or if they would fix their mind upon their mantra or upon their Guru, they will no longer feel the pain. Remember that you will not be taking the pain with you upon death. Along with the body you will be leaving it on Earth.

When the pain pertains to the body, why are you absorbing it with your mind? All the karmic bondages of the person who fixes his mind upon the Lord at the time of death will be reduced to ashes. Such person will be freed from the bondage of taking up another body to exhaust the balance karma.

“Such person will obtain the ultimate goal called liberation and will merge into the self-illuminating Supreme Lord”.

Uddhava is confirming that they will be blessed with the ultimate liberation which is totally freed from re-births. They will merge completely into the Supreme Lord. This ultimate liberation can be obtained only by those who fix their mind totally upon the Lord at the time of death. Towards that, it is imperative to begin such practices from this instant.

“For completing the tasks of the Devatas, the all-pervading Lord who is the cause for the creation has assumed a human form and arrived on Earth. You both have developed unflinching, inextinguishable love towards such Supreme Lord. To you both, I offer obeisance.”

Narayana Krishna
