SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0791: Ugrasena is crowned the king; Nanda returns to Brindavan

Krishna said, “We who feared Kamsa, were rendered incapable all these years and thus were prevented from worshipping, serving or honouring you both. O father, O mother, forgive us for not serving you all these years. Being tormented by evil Kamsa and lacking independence we failed in this”.

There was nothing we could do. The opportune moment had to arise for him to be killed. As such all these years we lacked the freedom to visit you, and serve you.

“The Supreme Lord Srikrishna is the Self for this universe. Using His illusionary energy (yogamāya), this self-willed and independent Lord incarnated as a human being. Hearing these words uttered by Him, Devaki and Vasudeva were bewildered. They seated Krishna on their lap, embraced Him and rejoiced plentifully”.

Initially the parents refrained from embracing their sons as they could see the Supreme Lord in them. Krishna now put them under the spell of His illusionary energy. He uttered the words befitting the situation. The parents who were under the spell of His illusion now lovingly welcomed their sons and seated them on their laps and rejoiced.

“Due to the tears flowing profusely from their eyes, they wet their sons”.

For past many years they had been hearing about the glorious accomplishments of their sons and had yearned for them. Now, upon seeing them, tears of joy flowed freely from their eyes.

“They were now bound by the noose called love towards their sons. The tears flowing from their eyes caused their voices to choke and hence they could not speak.

Having consoled his parents, Krishna proceeded to release his maternal grand-father Ugrasena (father of Kamsa) from the prison cell. He then installed Ugrasena as the king of the Yadavas. Addressing Ugrasena, He said,

‘O King! Please rule us, your subjects. Due to the curse uttered by Yayati, Yadavas are prohibited from ascending the throne. However since I am commanding, you will not be tainted by that sin. While I reside here serving you, the Devatas and other great personalities will come and offer you tributes in plenty’.

Fearing Kamsa, the members of the Yadavas, Vŗṣni, Andhaka, Daśārha, Madhu, Kukura, Sātvata and other clans had fled in different directions. The Supreme Lord Srikrishna ensured that all these relatives returned back to the city. All of them, who had been eagerly awaiting the death of Kamsa, joyfully returned to their homes. He graciously welcomed them, who had turned weary due to living in foreign lands, presented them with many royal gifts and satisfied them. He ensured that they settle and live peacefully within their homes”.

Fearing Kamsa, these relatives of Krishna had sought refuge in other kingdoms and were longing to return home. Krishna sent a message asking them all to return home. In great elation, they instantly reached the capital Mathura. Krishna then ensured that they settled down peacefully. He returned their wealth back to them.

“All the Yadavas had the protection of Srikrishna and Balarama. With this, the desires in their hearts attained fulfilment and their sorrows were washed away. Totally satisfied, they lived in absolute happiness within their homes and rejoiced.

Srikrishna is the Lord who bestows liberation. With a charming face that eternally blossoms like a lotus, He is eternally blissful. With smiles and gazes that overflowed with compassion, He filled the Yadavas everyday with love and delight.

The elderly denizens of Mathura, who with their eyes eternally drank in the nectar called the lotus-face of Srikrishna, felt their youthfulness, strength and vitality returning to them. Such was His grace upon them!

Srikrishna and Balarama, the incarnation of Adi śeṣa, now approached Nanda. Embracing him lovingly, Krishna said, ‘O father! You and mother Yashoda have lovingly cajoled and cared for us all these years. This is because parents love their children far more than they love their own bodies. The real parents are those who raise children abandoned by their blood relatives and who treat them as their own.

O father, now please return to Brindavan. After giving comfort and happiness to Vasudeva and other blood relations here we shall return to meet you. I am aware that out of affection for us, you will lament at this separation’. Srikrishna, the Supreme Lord, pacified Nanda and other inhabitants of Brindavan, and pleased them all”.

Nanda was dejected when Krishna asked him to return to Brindavan. Initially Nanda and other cowherds refused to leave Krishna-Balarama and return to their homes. ‘O Krishna do not ask us to go away. We will not disturb you in any way. We shall remain here serving you silently. We will not worry even if you do not cast your glance upon us, but we shall be happy to catch your glimpse at least periodically’- they wept. Krishna pacified them saying, ‘There are certain tasks to be completed by you back home. Hence you need to return. I shall console all these relatives and return to see you all’. The events that would unfold in the future were extra-ordinary. Krishna did not desire that these cowherds should witness them all. Hence He wanted them to return to their hamlet.

“Nanda and other cowherds were greatly disheartened when Krishna instructed them to return. Krishna then gifted them many ornaments, clothing, household vessels, bullock carts and other valuables and thus honoured them all”.

In reality, none of them desired these objects. They wanted only Krishna. The material wealth and renown had no place in their hearts which they had given solely to Krishna.

“Hearing the words uttered by Krishna, Nanda felt helpless. He embraced his sons. His eyes welled up with tears and he wept profusely. Then, with a heavy heart he returned to Brindavan accompanied by the other cowherds and wondering how he would console Yashoda.

Thereafter, Vasudeva, the son of Sura, arranged for Vedic Brahmins to complete the thread-ceremony rituals for his two sons. He duly honoured the Brahmins by gifting to them fine ornaments, cows together with their calves, plentiful money (dakshina), golden chains and so on”.

In true sense, the donor should deposit the object given away in charity in the house of the receiver. It is incorrect to expect the receiver to arrange a vehicle and carry the objects to his home. For Go-danam, the cow should necessarily be healthy, milk-yielding and it must be accompanied by its calf. The donation should be done joyfully. When doing vastra-dānam (giving clothes in charity) it is imperative to provide adequate clothing which will cover the body. It is incorrect to give away a small kerchief in name of cloth-donation.

“The cows donated by Vasudeva were adorned with silken garments, golden chains, flower garlands and other ornamentation. The horns were decorated with many jewels. Hundreds of such cows were given in charity”.

Krishna Narayana
