SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0784: The audience seated in the gallery drink in Krishna with their eyes

Narayana Krishna

The Supreme Lord Krishna who along with brother Balarama was decked in multi-coloured clothing resembled an actor in disguise.

“Ornaments, colourful clothing and flower garlands adorned their bodies. With their illumining appearance and charming gaze, they were stealing the minds of the audience seated in the galleries. The citizens of the land, who had come from various villages and towns, were ecstatic upon seeing the Supreme Lord. In great delight and astonishment, they gazed at the Lord considering themselves to be truly fortunate. With their eyes they happily drank in the lotus faces of the brothers, yet were not totally satisfied. The drops of sweat all over his face and stains of blood on His body and clothing only enhanced His illumination and rendered His face even more captivating”.

Some in the audience considered that their life had attained fulfilment with this darshan of the Lord. Some others were astonished at His unparalleled prowess and captivating form. Some others considered them to be conjurers par excellence. In this way, based on their own inner feelings, each one of them was admiring Krishna who was standing in their midst and was drinking in His beauty.

“With their eyes, they were drinking in the two brothers, with their noses they were drawing them in, with their tongues they were relishing them and with their arms they wanted to embrace them. Those filled with demonic tastes, however, wanted to gobble them up. The young, the old, the women, the saints, and the others kept gazing at the brothers in total awe”.

Lakhs of emotions were simultaneously being emitted from the audience seated in the gallery. All the various emotions were concentrated upon Him alone! This is the unique proof that the Lord is all-pervading. Feeling of love, hate, cruelty, admiration etc. were being simultaneously released from the millions who had gathered to witness the event that morning.

It is impossible for all members of a gathering to simultaneously entertain similar feelings. Each will be having a different emotion, a different feeling at the same time. Despite the differences in emotions, the minds of all in the audience were focussed entirely upon the Lord! They were drinking in the divine fragrance from His body. With their ears, they heard His footsteps.

In normal gatherings, the minds of the audience travels in different directions and focuses upon varied subjects. However, in this gathering when Krishna entered, the minds of all in the audience were focussed upon Him alone. Whether they had feelings of love or anger, it was directed upon Him alone! Having left their worries at home, the public was seated comfortably in the grand stadium. There were no mobiles to distract them. Kamsa had ensured the periodic and timely supply of snacks for them all. Hence all they did was focus upon the Lord! They all desired to embrace the Lord.

“The gentlemanliness of the two brothers, their flawless character, sweet speech, their captivating form, fearless attitude and dexterity enthralled the audience and brought to memory the extra-ordinary feats accomplished by the brothers in the past. They recounted the feats as heard or seen by them in the past and discussed among themselves”.

They were recounting his past astonishing accomplishments. They were focussing on His dainty walk, His charming face, His lovely face, His tender smiles etc. In a nutshell, the gaze of all in the audience was focussed exclusively upon the Lord and was centred upon Him alone! Don’t we wish we could sit in that gathering wherein the Lord enters and wherein we could focus only upon Him?

‘Could He be the Supreme Lord himself?’ asked one gentleman to another. ‘Nah. Not the Supreme Lord. He is at best a human being with extra-ordinary capabilities’- replied the other. Another pitched in saying, ‘He has no second in this creation. He is truly a human being with extraordinary capacities’. ‘I still believe he must be a divine incarnation’ said another. ‘I am sure he is a conjurer who is here to mesmerize us all’ – said one.

“Some in the audience said, ‘The Supreme Lord Narayana has incarnated with his partial aspects in the form of these brothers, who are the sons of Vasudeva. As the sons of Vasudeva, they are related to us’- they joyfully said”.

Narayana Krishna
