SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0783: Krishna and Balarama enter the wrestling arena

Krishna Narayana

“Thereafter Krishna abandoned the dead elephant and, resting the tusks upon His shoulder, entered the wrestling arena along with brother Balarama. On His body were bloodstains. He illumined with the drops of sweat forming upon His lotus face. He was also accompanied by a few cowherd boys, who too were holding weapons”.

This was truly extra-ordinary combat of little Krishna. The stadium was much larger than any stadium of today and was decorated appropriately for that grand occasion. The amphitheatre protected the spectators from the all havocs caused by rain and wind. From this it is evident that such world-class amphitheatres existed even in days of yore.

“Krishna, who entered the arena along with Balarama, appeared like a fiery thunderbolt to the wrestlers. To the commoners He appeared human. To the woman, He appeared like the personification of the God of Love (Manmatha). To the cowherds, He was their own jewel. To the wicked kings, He appeared like a punisher. To His parents, He appeared like a child. To Kamsa, the king of Bhojas, He appeared like death himself! To the ignorant, He appeared like an ordinary mortal, albeit possessing some extraordinary energies. To the Yogis however, He appeared like the embodiment of Supreme Essence. Thus, Krishna appeared differently to the different people assembled in that amphitheatre.

Although Kamsa was inherently courageous, he panicked upon seeing Krishna and Balarama who entered the arena after killing Kuvalayapiḍa and who appeared totally invincible. Nervousness and anger seized him. Kuvalayapiḍa, the invincible elephant was his favourite and he had in him the ability to handle such ferocious elephant with one hand. At that moment, in that rage, he was in a hurry to kill Krishna with the help of his wrestlers.

Both Balarama and Krishna who possessed powerful arms stood in that arena illumining like great actors decked in strange disguise”.

In movies, they show actors breaking buildings and bridges. The truth is that these are animations. Here however Krishna actually entered the arena to perform combat with the wrestlers. He actually killed the mighty elephant. When that elephant collapsed, the earth shook. People were thrown off their seats. The entry of Krishna filled Kamsa with trepidation and anger. He was eager to squeeze the boy to death and yet he was frightened of his might. Unmindful of this, Krishna majestically stood holding the glittering tusk of the elephant. With his colourful clothing he resembled an actor who had donned a different costume.

Krishna Narayana
