SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0781: The wrestling arena

Krishna Narayana

Kamsa, who was petrified of death, which was looming large over his head, began shedding tears. He then consoled himself by thinking about his past glories and of his physical might. He laughed and wept simultaneously. When fear overtook him, he trembled for a while and turned hysterical. Again he comforted himself by priding in his ability to destroy Krishna. In this way, Kamsa spent the night in total fear.

He realized that death was playing games with him. He felt that Krishna who was walking through the streets of Mathura, was in reality walking within the nerves within his body.

“When he slept, he felt he was embracing dead bodies and that he was drinking poison”.

It is believed that people who are on the verge of death will embrace dead bodies. Hence such bad dreams are feared.

“He saw himself wearing a garland of withered flowers. His body was smeared with oil and that he, in a naked appearance, was sitting on a donkey with his back facing the donkey’s head. Irrespective of whether he was sitting or standing, such evil omens tormented him ceaselessly.

Kamsa, who was totally convinced of his death, could no longer catch a wink. The night gave way to dawn. Sun arose in the eastern direction. It was the day Kamsa had organized wrestling match and the festivities throughout the city.

Kamsa’s attendants decorated the sprawling arena with flowers. Many auspicious instruments and trumpets were blown inaugurating the functions. The arches made of flowers, flower-garlands, and colourful clothing, and mango leaves decorated all entrances. Seating arrangements were made for the citizens and the audience and even these places were nearly organized. Separate seating arrangements were made for the royalty, for the Brahmins, for Kshatriyas and the like. Based on the hierarchy, golden or silver thrones were arranged for Kamsa’s kinsmen”.

Elegant seats were earmarked for the prominent people and reserved for them. Volunteers worked night and day and ensured arrangements were smoothly completed with no hitches.

“The citizens as well as the royalty arrived into the arenas and took their respective seats. With a heart that was trembling in fear, Kamsa arrived and sat on his royal throne. His mind was undergoing anguish and agitation. He was surrounded by ministers and by vassal kings”.

Of what use was this protection? Ultimately none of these feudal lords could guard his heart, which was trembling. Only his intellect could be near the heart that was trembling in fear.

“The sound of the trumpets and bugles agitated his heart even more. The arrogant and mighty wrestlers were thumping their arms and thighs majestically as they entered the arena together with their coaches. The entry of the mighty wrestlers Cāṇūra, Muṣṭika, Kūta, Śala, and Tośala was accompanied by the blowing of the horns, trumpets and bugles and it cheered them enormously.

Nanda, Sunanda and other cowherds had arrived in Mathura at the invitation of Kamsa. They offered the gifts and tributes to Kamsa and then took the seats allotted for them in a separate gallery”.

With this, the forty-second chapter of the tenth canto comes to an end.

Tenth Canto Chapter Forty-three

In this chapter, Srikrishna killing the enormous, mighty, intoxicated elephant Kuvalayapiḍa and entering the arena is covered.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “O tormentor of foes, Emperor Parikshit! The next morning Balarama and Krishna completed bath and other daily obligatory rituals. Hearing the tumultuous shouts of the wrestlers and the sound of the drums and kettle-drums, they walked to witness the tournament”.

Narayana Krishna
