SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0778: After blessings the citizens, Krishna returns to his father’s camp

Narayana Krishna

“Srikrishna, who incarnated in a human body, is the decoration for mankind itself!

It can be emphatically stated that Krishna’s incarnation alone decorated the human race, living across all continents. A small boy is decorated nicely and after completing the make-up, a tiny peacock feather is placed on his hair. Just the presence of the peacock feather adds glamour to his face and it attracts all attention. The tiny peacock feather could give such beauty. The same feather has no value in isolation. Only when it is placed on the hair, it attains significance. Likewise, Srikrishna was the decoration for the citizens of Mathura. For long they had heard of His glories and had feared for His safety coming to know of the evil intentions of the dreaded Kamsa. On this day, they had seen Him for the first time and had been totally enchanted as well as bewildered. The devotees of the Lord were delighted as it was sure that Kamsa’s days were numbered.

“To the denizens of Mathura who had been fortunate to witness His divine form, the blessings of the Lord turned true”.

The Lord had showered His blessings upon the citizens of Mathura. That in itself is a blessing. There are devotees who ask Swamiji to shower plentiful blessings. I do not understand the term ‘plentiful blessings’. What is the speciality of those blessings, I wonder? Instead, if the devotee asks, ‘please Swamiji, ensure that my task is successfully accomplished’ I can understand his want, but what am I to understand when he comes and asks for ‘plentiful blessings’? You should instead say, ‘Please bless me Swamiji’ that is the correct approach. You should not ask for ‘ultimate blessing’ or ‘plentiful blessing’ to be showered upon you.

Swamiji’s blessings are always complete and firm. But is your devotion towards Swamiji firm? You check it out. To such people who demand plentiful/firm blessings, I reply, ‘You have firm faith, you prostrate with firm devotion, then my blessing will be firm and strong’.

Here, in Mathura, the Lord blessed everyone merely with His gaze. The Lord’s gaze itself showers blessings, doesn’t it? His laugh is itself a blessing. The Lord moving His eyebrows itself signifies blessings. Nodding of His head is blessing. His walking past us is itself a blessing. With just these actions, it is evident that He knows of our arrival. That is why devotees are asked to go in His presence and offer obeisance. Going behind a pillar or into a corridor and prostrating there is incorrect. It stems from feelings of guilt- the guilt that you are coming to ashram after a very long gap. Why do you feel guilty? After long, this day you obtained this opportunity and you made the most by coming to ashram. You should consider yourself lucky that you could at least visit ashram today. Thank your stars. Be in bliss that you are in the ashram. That is enough.

“Leaving Indra and other Devatas who sought to serve her, Mother Goddess Lakshmi sought refuge in the chest of this Supreme Lord”.

During the churning of the ocean, Mother Goddess emerged. All the devatas and demons desired her. Not caring for them all, she walked towards the Supreme Lord. She is the mother of the universe; she is the primordial energy. Such energy, which is the root for all energies, which is the mother of all energies, sought the Supreme Lord. For this reason, wise people revere Lakshmi vrata. They love Varalakshmi vrata, Vaibhava Lakshmi vrata.

“Krishna and Balarama washed their feet and then ate rice mixed with milk.

The happenings at the sacrificial hall – the breaking of the bow, the killing of the soldiers, the disruption to the Yagna- all signified inauspiciousness to Kamsa. He felt that death had walked into his city. He experienced unexplainable mental torture”.

Krishna and Balarama refused to eat anything-including milk and fruits- offered by the citizens of Mathura. They came back to their camp and ate food served by their father. Krishna loves curd rice, so does Mother Goddess. For this reason in Tirupati curd rice is specially served to the Lord. Krishna was aware of the evil planning of Kamsa for the next morning. Although He is all-knowing, at the human plane He has spies report to Him.

Narayana Krishna
