SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0761: Akrura is lovingly received by Krishna and Balarama

Krishna Narayana

Maharishi Śuka continued, “These brothers on whose feet were the imprints of the flag, noose, thunderbolt and lotus, were illumining the entire land of Gokula. The gazes of these two large-hearted brothers were filled with compassion and tender smiles. They were masters of many transcendental sports. Having bathed, they had decked themselves in clean clothes and had smeared their bodies with sandal paste. They had worn pearl chains and garland of forest flowers around their neck.

Srikrishna and Balarama were none other than Srihari, the Supreme Lord who in reality is over and above time. They were none other than Self (Puruśa) and matter (Prakriti). These two were the rulers and governors of the universe and had, for the purposes of protecting this earth, incarnated here with their complete aspects.

Balarama, who glowed like the silver mountain encased in gold, and Srikrishna, who illumined like an emerald mountain encased in gold, were, with their illumination dispelling the darkness of all the directions.

Aha! What to say of the fortunate of this land and the people who reside herein! It is a divine, sacred and blessed land! Every particle of sand that exists here, every plant, every tree, every creeper and every insect that lives here is truly fortunate.

Akrūra, whose heart was overflowing with uncontained love for the Lord, hurriedly jumped out of his chariot and swiftly rushing towards Balarama and Krishna, prostrated at their feet. Upon seeing the Supreme Lord his eyes were filled with tears of joy and his vision blurred. The hair on his body stood up due to the bliss experienced. As his voice was choked due to emotion he couldn’t even introduce himself. His mind became blank.

Srikrishna, the Supreme Lord who offers protection to His devotees, understood that the person bowing to him was Akrūra. He neared Akrūra, pulled him close and embraced him lovingly. Balarama also went to Akrūra and embraced him, who had prostrated before him. Both the brothers stood on either side of Akrūra and then holding his hands, lovingly led him into their home.

Akrūra could not fathom what was happening. Nevertheless, the scenes were unfolding exactly as he had imagined during his journey.

Srikrishna then enquired about his safe journey and offered him a suitable seat. Per the customary ritual they washed his feet and offered to him auspicious materials such as honey. The ever-competent Supreme Lord Srikrishna then reverentially gifted a cow to the guest. He then massaged the feet of his guest such that the tiredness of the journey was dissipated. He then brought many varieties of tasty food and lovingly offered them to the guest.

After the guest had eaten, Balarama, who was a master in righteous duties, offered to him betel leaves (tamboola), sandal paste and flower garland and thus brought to him great joy.

Thereafter addressing Akrūra, who had been provided the customary hospitality, Nanda enquired,

“O scion of the Yadava lineage! Kamsa is indeed a wicked ruler. Like the sheep that live under the custody of a butcher, how do you to continue to live under Kamsa? Kamsa is the vile king who opines that only his sensory pleasures are of importance. Heartlessly he killed the sons of his grieving sister Devaki. What can we ask of your safety, when you are being governed by such a vile king?”

Akrūra had already enquired the well-being of Nanda by posing courteous questions to him earlier. Now hearing these warm, loving words uttered by Nanda, Akrūra forgot the tiredness caused by the journey.

With this, the thirty-eighth chapter of the tenth canto comes to an end.

Tenth Canto Chapter Thirty-nine

In this chapter, Akrūra taking Balarama and Krishna from Brindavan is covered.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Akrūra was comfortably seated in Nanda’s home. Krishna and Balarama provided him with the best hospitality. All the desires that he had entertained during his journey were completely fulfilled”.

Akrūra had wished that the Lord should embrace him, hold his hand, lead him indoors, seat him comfortably, talk to him lovingly and so on. Every desire of his had been fulfilled by the Lord.

“Lord Srikrishna is the residence for Mother Goddess Lakshmi. When He is pleased, there is nothing which is unattainable, isn’t it?”

There is nothing which cannot be obtained when the Lord is pleased.

“Nevertheless, sincere devotees consider Him alone as their ultimate goal.”

Although everything is attainable when this Lord is pleased, for devotees He alone is the ultimate goal.

“They do not place any emphasis on the boons He showers and instead seek Him alone. Srikrishna, the son of Devaki, finished his dinner, enquired from Akrūra the behaviour of Kamsa towards his well-wishers and of the other activities planned by Kamsa,

“O dear father, upon seeing you I am filled with great happiness. I hope your journey was uneventful. May you be blessed with auspiciousness! I do hope that Kamsa has not engaged in any violent, merciless activities towards our kinsmen and elders. Are all of them safe? I hope he has not subjected them to torture.

The disease called my maternal uncle is thriving. As such, I will not enquire from you about the well-being of my kinsmen and the citizens who are being ruled by Kamsa. On account of me, my parents have suffered enormously. Upon knowing that I would be responsible for his death, Kamsa has killed all their children. Thus, it was due to me that they lost all their children. What can I say of the agony they have undergone in this process? It was due to me that they had to be imprisoned”.

Krishna Srihari
