SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0758: Akrura’s heart overflows with devotion for Krishna

Narayana Krishna

Akrura who was proceeding to Brindavan thought to himself, “Although I am unworthy and undeserving, I am going to be blessed with the darshan of Srikrishna today. I am proceeding to Brindavan hoping that the Lord will bless me with his darshan. Albeit I am wretched being, feelings of devotion and love for the Lord fill my heart. Moreover, I am proceeding there solely to see Him. Hence the Lord is going to fulfill my desire.

Bound by samsāra, all living entities are caught up in the flow of time nevertheless at some point of time or the other the entity has to reach the other shore.

Mamādyāmańgalaḿ naṣṭaḿ phalavāḿś caiva me bhavaḥ

Yan namasye bhagavato yogi-dhyeyānghri-pańkajam

Today my inauspiciousness has been totally destroyed and my life has been rendered fruitful. This is because, today I am about to bow at the lotus feet of that Lord Srikrishna, who is meditated upon by accomplished Yogis”.

Akrūra was ecstatic at his fortune. He considered himself truly blessed to be able to worship the lotus feet of Krishna.

“Aha, today Kamsa has done me a great favour. By commanding me, he has bestowed upon me this chance to see the lotus feet of divine Lord Srihari. The radiance of His toe-nails enabled the people in the past to cross over the darkness known as spiritual ignorance (ajnana) which otherwise is impossible to transcend”.

Spiritual ignorance is referred to as deep unending darkness or a terrible ocean that is impossible to cross over. These worldly bondages (samsāra) are replete with sin. We are trapped in such sinful mire. There is nothing to gain from here. Acquiring virtues is a toilsome effort that rarely pays off. Some trouble, affliction, worries or pitfalls prevents the person from steadily treading the noble path.

The afflictions that arise envelop the mind with ignorance (darkness). In that darkness, the ocean feels icy cold. Yet, a few who hold on to the Lord’s feet cross the ocean or this darkness successfully. These devotees reminisce about the Lord. They mentally merge into the Lord. Irrespective of whether they are talking, standing, sleeping or sitting, they think of the Lord and see Him alone. While completing the worldly duties they think or talk of Him alone. They eat, laugh, talk, quarrel like the others in the world, yet, in their every breath they think of the Lord. They accept that they have to exhaust the karma (destiny). Intentionally they do not indulge in sinful deeds.

Intentionally we should not utter falsehood. Intentionally we should not engage in gossip. Intentionally we should never seek to swindle others or engage in sinful activities. At times for no apparent reason, sin lands on us. Intentionally or unintentionally – every sin needs to be paid for. Yet, the punishment for an intentional sin far exceeds that which was unintentional. We locate the pit in the pitch darkness of the night yet during broad daylight we trip and fall into it. Being very well aware, we slip into darkness. Despite being knowledgeable we get cheated. Despite knowing the pitfalls, we choose to tell lies. Through such deeds, we are distancing ourselves from true happiness.

The wise people from the past sought refuge in the Lord’s feet and reached the other shore. They merged into Him. They thought of Him, talked of Him and merged their minds into Him. They took their minds away from these worldly transactions.

“Lords Brahma, Shiva, Indra and hordes of other Devatas including Mother Goddess Lakshmi worship the lotus feet of this Lord. Maharishis and devotees worship those holy feet which, for the purposes of cattle grazing, wander in the forests along with other cowherd boys.

Aha! What delightful incarnation of His is this one! For the purposes of cattle-grazing, He wanders through the forests. His lotus feet are the refuge for Lord Brahma. I am about to see those divine lotus feet which are smeared with the Kumkum powder from the chests of the Gopikas. It is my fortune that I am getting this chance to see and worship those feet. What can I say of my fortune?

The deer are walking to my right- from this, I deduce that undoubtedly I will obtain the chance to see the face of the Lord, the bestower of liberation”.

Even spotting deer or fox is considered good omen. The deer walking on the right or circumambulating the person is a positive, auspicious sign. Akrūra spotted the deer and felt they were circumambulating his chariot – hence he was optimistic of having darshan of Srikrishna.

Hare Krishna
