SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0756: Maharishi Narada meets Krishna

Maharishi Shuka continued, “When the life-force was blocked, the demon’s body was drenched with perspiration. His eyes bulged out. While he was vehemently kicking his legs in unbearable agony and while discharging fecal matter, his life-force departed from his body. It was the end of the demon”.

How tactfully the Lord eliminated this demon! Neither did he use a sword, nor did he cut any limb. He caught the intestines and other organs from within. He blocked the breath. With this, the gigantic horse discharged abnormally huge quantities of urine and fecal matter as dropped down dead.

Keśi was the most powerful among the followers of Kamsa. His infallible reputation in destroying enemies was the reason Kamsa had dispatched him to attack Krishna. Such a gigantic demon, who otherwise was invincible, was now killed by Krishna.

“Krishna, the Lord who possessed powerful arms, playfully and without any effort eliminates his enemies. While remaining still and unmoving, he eliminates his enemies. He was neither elated, nor astonished nor felt audacious at his accomplishment. The Devatas who were witnessing this incident were however awe-struck at the playful manner in which He had killed Keśi. When the Lord pulled out His hand from Keśi’s body, they rained flowers upon Him and sang His praises.

Śāntākāraṃ bhujaga-śayaṇam padmanābham sureṣaṃ

Viṣwākāraṃ gagana-sadŗṣaṃ meghavarṇaṃ śubhāngam

Lakshmikāntam kamalanayanam yogi-hŗdyāna gamyam

Vandē viṣnuṃ bhava-bhaya-haraṃ sarvalokaika nāthaṃ

Hare Krishna.

“Maharishi Narada is the most supreme among the devotees of the Lord. Finding an opportune moment when the Lord was in solitude, he neared Him and prayed,

‘Krishna Krishna premēyātman yogēśa jagadīśwara

Vāsudēvākhilāvāsa sātvatām pravara prabho

O Srikrishna! Your form is beyond the comprehension or understanding of the senses. You, the son of Vasudeva, are the master of all Yoga. You are the ruler of the universe. You are the primordial force for the entire creation. You are the foremost amongst the Yadavas. Although the logs of wood are different, the fire which pervades them all is the same. Similarly, You alone are the Self’s consciousness that resides within the heart-caves of all the different living entities; You are the sole witness for all the mental modifications in all entities”.

Be it in humans, animals, demons or celestials- the inner witness is the Lord himself! It is His consciousness that exists within a mosquito, germ, bacteria too. He pervades everything in this creation just as the same fire engulfs all logs of wood. A log of wood that comes into contact with fire is instantly reduced to ashes i.e. the fire within the log makes itself visible while the log disappears. Likewise, He is the Pure Consciousness that exists within every living entity.

“You are the ever-independent Supreme Lord whose intent is always extra-ordinary. It is remarkable. O Lord, using Your illusionary energies You, the ruler of this entire creation, initially created the traits of goodness, passion and ignorance (trigunas) through which You are creating, sustaining and annihilating the entire creation”.

At times You create, then sustain it and again as per Your will You destroy it. You are the independent free-willed Lord. It is Your will and wish.

“The demonic sons of Diti along with their entire demonic troops are today ruling the earth in the form of vile kings. You have incarnated in this world in a human form purely to eliminate these kings, who are completely ridden with ignorance (tamas) and passion (rajas), and to establish the righteous rule (sattva) in the world”.

Destroying the traits of ignorance and passion (tamas, rajas) You seek to replace them with traits of purity (sattva). You, who have come to destroy demonic tendencies, are here for the upliftment of the world.

“You have playfully killed this demon Keśi, who had arrived here in the form of a horse and who was completely filled with ignorance (tamas). This is truly auspicious, as, whenever this demon would arrive in heaven and neigh horrendously, the celestials would abandon heaven in great despair.

O Lord, the day after tomorrow I shall see Canura, Mushtika, Śala and other mighty wrestlers, the elephant Kuvalayapida and Kamsa being killed by You.

After killing Kamsa, You shall kill Shankha, Kalavayana, demons Mura and Naraka. You shall kill many smaller demons thereafter. Then You shall defeat Indra and bring to earth the wish-fulfilling Kalpavŗksha tree.

O Lord of the universe! You are endowed with valour, handsomeness and other auspicious traits. You are an embodiment of completeness whom all the auspicious traits ornament. You shall marry the daughters of kings belonging to warrior clans. In Dwaraka, You shall render King Nrga free from sin. Along with retrieving the Shamantaka gem, You shall obtain the daughter of Jambavanta in marriage. You will bring back the deceased son of the Brahmana, from the other planes. You shall destroy King Poundraka and then set fire to the city of Kashi. You shall kill Dantavaktra and then, in the great Yagna, You will kill Śiśupāla, the king of Chedi. Residing in the city of Dwaraka You will exhibit many more valorous deeds, all of which I shall be witnessing”.

Krishna Krishna Vasudeva
