SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0755: Demon Keshi attacks Lord Srikrishna

Krishna Narayana

Tenth Canto Chapter Thirty-seven

In this chapter, Krishna destroying demons Keshi and Vyomasura and Maharishi Narada worshipping him are covered.

Maharishi Shuka continued, “Upon receiving instructions from Kamsa, the mighty demon Keśi, assumed the form of a mammoth horse with an unusually long mane and dashed to Brindavan at the speed of wind. Its long mane almost rendered it invisible. As the demon neared Brindavan, it was almost as if a mammoth mountain was dashing towards the hamlet. With his powerful hooves, the demon tore apart the earth. Using his mane, he forcefully dispersed the clouds as well the celestial aircraft that were travelling in the high skies at that time”.

Celestials wander in space using their aircraft. Presently humans travel using aircrafts. The difference between those aircraft and our human creations is that the celestial aircrafts do not run on any fuel and hence the risk of crashing does not arise. Moreover, they are self-propelling aircraft. This demon had scattered the celestial aircrafts.

“His horrendous neighs frightened every living entity including the celestials. With his broad eyes, a twisted large mouth resembling huge tree hollow, and elongated neck, this demon Keśi resembled a huge cloud. With the evil intention of helping Kamsa, he dashed to Brindavan.

With his arrival, the earth shuddered in Brindavan. With his frightening, horrendous neighs he instilled fear in all the residents who lived in the Lord’s hamlet. With his tail he churned the clouds before dispersing them in all directions.

As he was keenly looking out for combat with Srikrishna, the Lord himself signalled to him. Roaring like a lion, the demon Keśi whose formidable might made him invincible and unapproachable, undauntedly dashed towards Srikrishna at lightning speeds. Due to illusory powers, his whereabouts could not even be fathomed at times.

Enraged beyond limits at Krishna’s audacity to invite him for a duel, he vehemently rushed towards the Lord. With his mouth wide-open as if he was drinking in the skies, he kicked the Lord with his hind legs”.

A horse always kicks with its hind legs as its energies lie there. It is inadvisable to stand close to its hind legs. We will lose our teeth if at all it decides to kick us. If we stand near its face, it is likely to bite us. As such it is best to stand near its abdomen.

“Krishna deftly dodged and escaped. Just as an eagle swiftly and forcefully catches a snake, Srikrishna, who was infuriated with the demon, caught him by its hind legs. The Lord who is the source of all energies and who is the Lord that showers energies upon others, now caught the demon, whose form was as huge as a mountain, and swirled him round and round in the skies”.

Within that gigantic body which was overflowing with mane, it was difficult to identify his eyes, abdomen and rest of the body.

“He then flung the demon a distance of hundred bows. For a second the demon remained numb. Thereafter, regaining consciousness, in great fury he rushed forward to attack the Lord. Smilingly the Lord thrust his left hand into the horse’s mouth as playfully as a snake slithers into its hole”.

In the first round, the Lord had caught the demon by his hind legs. Hence the demon now decided to attack from the front and bite the Lord. However, the Lord thrust his hand into its mouth.

“When Keshi tried to bite the hand of the Lord, its tooth rolled out as if they were touched by burning molten iron. The Lord’s hand had transformed into an iron hand! Without stopping, the Lord’s thrust his hand into its body. Having entered within, this hand began to swell in size. Just as the body of a person affected with dropsy is filled with fluid, the hand occupied the entire body. The muscles, nerves and bones were all caught in its grip. Then it blocked the movement of the life-force. With this, the demon began to sweat profusely. Its eyes bulged out”.

Hare Krishna
