SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 14/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0753: Kamsa commands Akrura to fetch Krishna and Balarama to Mathura

Krishna Narayana

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Kamsa who learnt from Maharishi Nārada that death had approached him in the form of Balarama and Krishna immediately bound Vasudeva and Devaki with heavy iron chains. Soon after Maharishi Nārada departed, he summoned demon Keśi and commanded him to kill Balarama and Krishna”.

Kamsa had a vast demon following. Sadly, none of the demons he sent on this errand ever returned alive as Krishna would dispatch them to those planes from where there was no return. Kamsa now entrusted the task of eliminating Krishna and Balarama to this mighty demon Keśi, whose appearance itself was strange and frightening and who was adept in using magical techniques.

“After the departure of Keśi, Kamsa summoned mahouts and renowned wrestlers such as Muṣṭika, Cānūra, Śala, Tośalaka and others, and addressing them said,

‘O Muṣṭika and Cānūra, you both are unsurpassed wrestlers. Please listen to what I say. I have been alerted that Vasudeva’s sons Krishna and Balarama are residing with Nanda in Gokula. The words of Maharishi Nārada can never be false. The celestial voice had, in the past, predicted my death in their hands and hence I consider them as a personification of death. When these boys arrive in Mathura, let them be killed in the game of wrestling’.”

In this way, Kamsa readied the alternate plan in case Keśi, was to fail in his mission. Muṣṭika and Cānura were renowned unsurpassed wrestlers who, even with their mere touch, could crush a person to death.

“Erect a huge amphi-theatre wherein all the citizens of Mathura and of all the adjacent towns and villages can assemble and thoroughly enjoy this combat with Krishna and Balarama- commanded Kamsa”.

Unquestionable was his confidence in the might of these wrestlers and hence he considered the brothers dead in their hands. He thus wanted all the citizens to enjoy this combat.

“Addressing the mahout he said, ‘O my dear elephant-keeper, you are my true well-wisher. You station the elephant Kuvalayapiḍa at the entrance of the wrestling arena and with its help crush my enemies Balarama and Krishna to death”.

Kuvalayapiḍa was an aggressive violent dreaded elephant whose attack could never go amiss.

“Kamsa continued, Let the dhanur-yāgam (bow sacrifice), which grants victory over enemies, be conducted as per the stipulated rules on the fourteenth day of the lunar fortnight (chaturdasi). In order to please Lord Bhairava, the Lord who fulfills desires, make offerings of innocent animals’.”

Self-centredness was the greatest wealth obtained by Kamsa, the ruler of Bhoja kindom. It can be irrefutably declared that no living entity can ever match Kamsa in self-centredness.

Having thus commanded the Mahouts and wrestlers, Kamsa then summoned Akrura, the foremost among the Yadavas. Clasping the hand of Akrura and feigning a lot of love, Kamsa said, ‘O Akrūra! You are the most supreme among the benevolent’.”

When a demon-king showers praises it is purely in order to extract some favour from him or in order to utilize his services to swindle others. When a landlady who never ever speaks courteously to her maid, suddenly turns concerned about her well-being, it implies that there is something fishy. After all loving casual enquires, the landlady will question her about an article that is missing from her home.

Kamsa continued, “Even a trace of self-centredness is missing in you. O Akrūra, could you please do me a favour? In matters of benevolence, there is none in the Bhoja clan you can ever stand up to you. Just as the ever-competent Indra had, in the past, sought shelter under Lord Vishnu and retrieved his kingdom, I am seeking shelter under you today’.”

Indra, the Lord of heaven, is supremely competent. Nevertheless, in order to reclaim his kingdom from the grip of enemies, he sought shelter under Lord Vishnu and emerged successful. Likewise Kamsa here is seeking refuge in Akrūra implying that the latter is equivalent of Indra. At least on this context, the Lord’s name appeared on his lips. Yet, even after being aware of the supremacy of Vishnu, he wanted to kill Krishna, who was none other than Vishnu as he believed Krishna to be a mere replica of the Lord and not the Lord himself.

Kamsa continued, “There is none who can match your perfection in completion of tasks, O Akrura. Proceed to Nanda’s Brindavan. Vasudeva’s sons are residing there. Please fetch them here in your chariot. O supreme among the Yadavas! You are an epitome of compassion. You are gentle-natured. Kindly complete this task without any delay. I am told by the Devatas who have sought shelter under Lord Vishnu that my death will take place in the hands of these brothers. Hence proceed forthwith and bring them to me”- commanded Kamsa.

Krishna Krishna Narayana
