SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 13/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0749: The song of the Gopikas- Gopika yugala geeta

Srikrishna Vasudeva

Tenth Canto Chapter Thirty-five

In this chapter, the song of the Gopikas is detailed. This song is known as Gopika-yugala-geeta.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “When Srikrishna would enter into the forests for cattle-grazing, the mind of the Gopikas also travelled along with Him. Singing the glories of the Lord, with enormous difficulty they spent the entire day away from Him.

The Gopikas sang,

Vāma-bāhu-kṛta-vāma-kapolo valgita-bhrur- dharārpita-veṇum

Komalāńgulibhir āśrita-mārgaḿ gopya īrayati yatra mukundaḥ

O Gopikas! When Srikrishna, the bestower of liberation, leans His left cheek on His left shoulder, places the flute on His lower lip and, while placing His tender fingers gently on its holes, begins to play it, His moving eyebrows appear to dance. The wives of the accomplished siddhas, who travel in their celestial aircraft accompanied by their husbands, listen to this music being played by the Lord and get enthralled. Pierced by the arrows released by Lord Manmatha, the Lord of love, their minds are love-stricken. Forgetful of their clothing and their braids, they blush and slip into a trance, deluded by His music”.

Krishna! His music was so enchanting! So delightful! Again and again, the Gopikas were recollecting it and deriving joy from it. The hair on the body stands up upon listening to this delightful description of the Lord and of His music!

“O Gopikas, please listen to this delightful illustration. Krishna’s charming smile is akin to a pearl. In fact, His charming smile reflects on the pearl-necklace that adorns His neck. On His chest exists the permanent Srivatsa birthmark, which illumines like lightning. This son of Nanda showers happiness upon the distressed. When this Lord plays the flute, not only the cows and bullocks of Brindavan, but even the deer which reside in the deep forests remain motionless listening to the music enraptured by it”.

Wild animals gave up their violent nature upon listening to this music. Totally captivated by this music, they remained motionless in the forest. The motionless animals in the forest resembled statues.

“Moreover, the half-chewn blades of grass or other fodder remains intact in their mouths.”

The animals forget to chew their food and remain like statutes.

“These animals which stand with their erect ears and listen to the music appear like the paintings of artists.

O dear friends, this Lord Krishna who bestows liberation wears peacock feathers, bunches of flowers and tender leaves on His head. When He smears his body with various mineral powders, it appears as if He has donned the garb of a wrestler.

O friend listen, together with Balarama and other friends when He goes to the forests for cattle-grazing, He plays the flute and calls out to the cows by their names. At these times, the rivers, which eternally seek to touch the dust of His lotus feet, cease to flow. Nevertheless, akin to us they too are not fortunate as they fail to touch His lotus feet. When their waves, which are their long arms tremble due to love, the river continuous to remain motionless.”

The waves eagerly wait for the Lord to enter the waters and touch them. But they are not so fortunate. Dejected that the Lord’s feet did not touch them, they once again resume their flow.

“O friend, all the Devatas eternally follow and glorify Lord Vishnu, who is the cause for the creation and who is complete in all aspects while Mother Goddess Lakshmi eternally resides along with Him. Similarly, the cowherd boys who eternally follow Srikrishna extoll his valour.

The prosperity of this Lord is eternal. When He plays the flute and lovingly calls the cows that are grazing on the mountain slopes, the animals, trees, birds and creepers experience complete bliss. With their branches that are laden with bunches of fruits and flowers, the trees, which experience horriplation upon listening to the music, bend and touch the ground to offer obeisance”.

Hare Krishna
