SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 13/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0742: The delightful circle-dancers

Krishna Narayana

“Adorning their ears with water-lilies, the Gopikas danced with Krishna in this assembly of various circle units (rāsa mandala sabha). Their curly locks decorated their cheeks which were glowing due to the drops of perspiration”.

It is our fortune that we are able to listen to this description.

“The jingling bells that adorned their bracelets, anklets, the waistbands, their bangles, and the earrings and the swaying of the gem-studded garlands which adorned their necks simultaneously produced musical melodious sounds”.

The anklets worn by all the Gopikas produced rhythmic melodious sounds simultaneously in tune to the beats. Similarly, their bangles, waistbands, chains all moved rhythmically producing melodious musical sounds. It was as if the entire skies were filled with this beautiful music. This is how a rāsa mandala is conducted. There is perfect synchronization among all the dancers.

“The jasmines which adorned their hair slipped and fell to the ground filling the entire area with a delightful perfume. The fragrance was heavenly and blissful”.

Their limb movements were in perfect harmony; their breath was in harmony. The entire sky reverberated with the divine melodious music produced by their breath and heartbeats. Their tuneful songs matched the music produced. The lighting was perfect. Due to the reflection of these circle dancers, all the galaxies began to illumine. Hordes of Devatas watched in amazement the innumerable identical forms taken on by the Supreme Lord in order to dance with the Gopikas. They too were ecstatic and were applauding this divine dance being conducted on Earth.

When one Gopika consumed the half-chewed betel from the Lord’s mouth, all the Gopikas felt as if they too had consumed it. They were ecstatic about it. How could tiredness exist in them after having consumed the prasadam directly from the Lord’s mouth? When one Gopika touched the Lord’s shoulder, all the Gopikas experienced bliss as if they too had touched His shoulder. Each Gopika felt as if the Lord had played the flute exclusively for her enjoyment. Each Gopika was of the opinion that the Lord was dancing exclusively with her.

Although each Gopika was thus immersed in her bliss oblivious to the presence of others, in the dance that they collective performed, there was absolute perfection and synchronization. The circle unit (mandalas) which were moving clockwise were in sync with those circle units that were moving anti-clockwise at that moment. This unique assembly of circle dance units (rāsa mandala) can never be reproduced to perfection ever in history. Can anyone perfectly imitate the actions of the Lord?

During Krishna’s lifetime, there was a king who dressed exactly as Krishna did. He wore peacock feathers, a garland of forest flowers and in every action of his he perfectly imitated Krishna. He went to the extent of demanding that he should be worshipped as Krishna and in lieu of the real Krishna. One day however the real Krishna arrived there and humbled his pride. Hence, we should realize our limitations and desist from behaving like Krishna, the Supreme Lord.

“The jingling of the bells became the musical accompaniments for this dance”.

Lakhs of bells were tinkling in harmony. Each waistband and each anklet has in it many bells. Thus the number of bells far exceeded the number of Gopikas. In reality, there were innumerable Gopikas, however since we, the humans, always seek a definite number, our elders have specified it as 16,000 Gopikas for our convenience. Even in the movement of their heart-beats and in their breath, they were in perfect sync. Even when they were fatigued, all their heartbeats and their breath were in sync.

Narayana Krishna
