SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 13/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0740: The great circle-dance

Maharishi Śuka continued, “The Supreme Lord Srikrishna, the son of Devaki, who was dancing surrounded by the Gopikas in all directions, illumined divinely like a huge emerald stone positioned in the middle of a chain made of golden beads”.

The precious gems illumine brightly when an emerald is placed in their midst. Krishna was glowing like a huge emerald stone situated in-between the golden beads.

“The Gopikas who dearly loved Srikrishna moved their feet and hands rhythmically and with pleasant smiles accompanied by the playful movement of their eyebrows, danced joyfully. Totally immersed in this dance, they were unaware of their existence or of the existence of this world”.

This is true devotion. Even to this day in many villages in Maharashtra, people tie anklets and, oblivious of this world, dance for the Lord while continuously chanting the Lord’s name ‘Vittala’. We should learn from them. When visiting Bhadrachalam, we should think of Lord Rama and chant His name endlessly meditating upon Him. When climbing the seven hills, we should chant ‘Govinda’ at every step. When in Ganagapur, chant ‘Datta, Jaya Guru Datta’ endlessly. Remembering all the sacred pilgrim centres, we should, with total devotion, unfailing chant His names daily at home oblivious of the world. Even describing this Rāsa-kreeda dance is in itself a blessing. We are truly fortunate to listen to it.

Krishna made himself present in all the circular formations. Each Gopika was dancing believing that Krishna was beside her and dancing with her, when in reality, another Gopika was beside her. She saw Krishna in the Gopika who was dancing alongside her. Each of them was soaked in Pure Consciousness.

“As they danced in total enthusiasm with bent backs, the upper ends of their garments began to fly in the wind. Their glittering earrings which moved rapidly due to the force of their dance reflected upon their glowing cheeks”.

The movement of each limb has a spiritual significance.

“As they danced with their braids which had been tied down firmly, their faces began to perspire profusely. They sang the glories of Krishna as they danced and in this process began to illumine like flashes of lightning seen in the skies. They danced in bliss”.

Often, people condemn Krishna for engaging in a one to one dance with each of the 16,000 Gopikas. What is to be understood here is that He manifested simultaneously in 16,000 forms to match the number of Gopikas. Can this feat be accomplished by any human being? Even in dreams we cannot. We cannot even simultaneously take on 2 to 3 forms, what to say of 16,000 forms?

“These Gopikas who had reddish neck and who delighted in wandering in the woods, sang melodiously in loud voices as they danced in great ecstasy. The touch of Lord Srikrishna had rendered them totally blissful. Their songs reverberated across all the circular formations of circle dancers in the forest. The area reverberated with an air of festivity. It appeared as if the trees, animals, and birds had joined them in their dance. One Gopika matched her voice to that of Srikrishna, the Lord who bestows liberation, and sang along with Him”.

One Gopika played the flute, another played the veena and thus immersed in bliss and absolutely unaware of her existence, each Gopika danced and sang in great celebration.

“But then, suddenly she sang at a pitch higher than that of Krishna’s. The Lord then applauded her saying, ‘Well done! Well done!’ Another Gopika sang the same song in a different beat and was also applauded by Him.

Exhausted by the dance, the hair of a Gopika loosened and the jasmine flowers which adorned her hair began to fall. She clasped the hand of Srikrishna, who was standing beside her holding a flute. Another Gopika tenderly kissed the arm of Srikrishna, which was smeared with sandal paste and experienced horripilation throughout her body. The movement of the glittering earrings ornamented her cheeks and illumined them. Could another Sun have arisen in the sky- the illumination of these earrings spread all through the forest illumining it”.

The forest was glittering due to the presence of these damsels whose dresses were of different hues. When these colours reflected upon the Lord, who had manifested in innumerable forms, then in which colour would he have appeared at that moment?

“When another Gopika rested her cheek on His shoulder, the Lord gave her his half-chewn betel”.

Krishna Narayana
