SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 13/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0731: The traumatized Gopikas are further agitated that Krishna had vanished along with Radha

Krishna Narayana

The Gopikas, who were traumatized by the absence of Krishna were imitating His actions.

“One Gopika stepped upon the shoulders of another Gopika shouting, ‘O wicked serpent, I have incarnated solely to punish the wicked. Leave this pond this very instant. Your presence has rendered this pond poisonous’. She imitated the actions of Krishna when He drove away serpent Kaliya from the pond.

Believing herself to be Krishna who was rescuing the cowherds from the forest fire, another Gopika said, ‘My dear cowherds, see this frightful forest fire. Close your eyes. I will effortlessly cause your well-being’.

One young Gopika tied another Gopika to a stone mortar. Then, the Gopika who was tied, closed her beautiful face with her hands and imitated the actions of little Krishna trembling as if she was terrified.

Thus, while enacting the pastimes of Krishna, the Gopikas went around the forest enquiring from the trees and the creepers the whereabouts of Krishna. Forgetting hunger and thirst, frantically searching for the Lord they walked through the forests enquiring His whereabouts even from the rocks on their path.

As they were thus searching, at one place they spotted His footprints. They then said to one another, ‘Undoubtedly these are the footprints of the high-minded Srikrishna. The Supreme Lord must have passed by this way. This is because due to the presence of the flag, lotus, thunderbolt, goad, seed and other auspicious marks, the feet of Nanda’s son can be easily distinguished’.

The Gopikas then continued on the path taken by the Lord. As they followed the footprints, they suddenly noticed that His footprints were intermingled with the footprints of a woman.

Upon knowing that Krishna had deserted them and had gone away with another woman, the ladies were uncontrollably agitated. They said, ‘From the positioning of these footprints it is evident that Krishna has wrapped His arm around the shoulder of the woman as they walked’.

Alas! We have been cheated.

The Gopikas had spent a great deal of time searching for Krishna. Now, when they were satisfying themselves upon identifying His footprints, the sight of another set of footprints once again added to their agony.

“They said to one another, ‘Who could this lady be?

Anayārādhito nūnaḿ bhagavān harir īśvaraḥ

Yan no vihāya govindaḥ prīto yām anayad rahaḥ

This verse is treated at par with sacred mantras by our elders.

Undoubtedly this lady has worshipped the Supreme Lord Narayana and has pleased Him abundantly through her prayers. This is because the Supreme Lord Govinda and abandoned our company and has instead chosen to go with her in seclusion”.

“Undoubtedly she has offered whole-hearted worship to Him which caused Him to choose her company. She is definitely of unlimited potencies. In devotion and love she surpasses each one of us. She is eternally with Lord Krishna. He, in turn resides totally within her”.

In the verse, the word ‘ārādhito’ refers to a) worship or aradhana and b) Radha. Using this verse as the base, the concept of Radha-Krishna has become popular all through the world. In Padma Purana, Brahma Vaivarta and other Puranas, the story of Radha has been elaborately explained.

The Gopikas continued, ‘O dear friends, the dust particles from the holy feet of Lord Govinda are supremely pure. This is because Lords Brahma, Shiva and Goddess Lakshmi have worn the dust from His lotus feet on their heads so as to be freed from all forms of impurities. This lady has stolen Govinda, the property of the Gopikas, and must be enjoying the nectar from His lips. Her footprints are putting us in greater turmoil’.”

Thus, the Gopikas were envious of Radha with whom the Lord had disappeared. They envied her who enjoyed His company alone. In what way could her devotion have surpassed that of ours? What could be unique about her devotion? Were we slack in keeping Him in our hearts? What was the mistake that caused Him to leave us and vanish suddenly? Don’t we love Him adequately? The Gopikas were agitated. If at all a woman becomes suspicious, then no force can stop her. She cannot be at peace until her suspicion is cleared.

“As the Gopikas proceeded further, they observed that the footprints of the lady were missing. They thought, ‘Aha! Noticing that the dainty feet of his beloved were unduly being pricked by the blades of grass, Lord Govinda must have carried her’.

‘O Gopikas, look at these footprints. They are sunk deep into the soil”.

Akin to scientists they were deciphering the footprints. Perhaps they used magnifying glasses to identify the inch by inch differences from one footprint to another.

Krishna Krishna
