SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 13/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0730: The agony of the Gopikas

Srikrishna Narayana

The Gopikas continued to search for Srikrishna all through the forests. They enquired, “O Earth, you who are ecstatic with the touch of Krishna’s footprints, have performed praiseworthy penance to obtain them. Everywhere we see, His footprints are visible. None other than you could obtain this rare fortune. The presence of the grasses and plants has added a special glow to you, for all of them have emerged from the dust of His feet”.

The trees, plants, fruits and flowers are glowing resplendently due to the touch of the Lord and thus enhance your beauty.

“Has this joy been caused due to the touch of Srihari, when taken on giant steps during His previous incarnation as Vāmana or was it due to the loving embrace which He had given you when He had incarnated as Varāha (boar)?

O female deer! You are our friend. You derive great delight upon seeing the limbs of Krishna. Have you seen Him anywhere sporting with his beloved?”

In their frantic search, they were enquiring of every tree, plant, deer, peacock, bird which they spotted on their path.

“After all, He is the Lord of Gokula. The wind carries with it the fragrance of the jasmine garland worn by Him. O wind, do you know His whereabouts? The garland on His neck would be smeared with the Kumkum from the chest of His lady love and which would have been smeared upon it when He lovingly embraced her.

O trees that adorn this forest, Krishna, the younger brother of Balarama, would have wandered here with one hand placed on the bosom of His beloved and holding a lotus in His other. Have you seen Him anywhere?

O swarms of intoxicated bees, you hover around the Tulasi garland which adorn His chest and thus follow Him wherever He wanders. Could you please let us know where He is presently situated? Has the Lord acknowledged your reverential prostrations with His tender glances?

Dear friends, please enquire of these creepers which have embraced the trees, for, with His fingernails, He would have undoubtedly touched them as He passed by. At that moment, they would have experienced deep horripilation, which it evident from the joy their express’.

They thus searched in all directions. In their desperation upon not finding Krishna, all of them began to speak incoherently. Having identified with Him totally in their minds, they imitated all His actions. One Gopika played the role of demoness Putana, believing she was carrying infant Krishna and breastfeeding him while showering motherly affection upon Him. Another Gopika imagined herself to be infant Krishna and lovingly sucked milk from the breast of the Gopika who was playing the role of Putana”.

These were the mad deeds of the women who had attained mental oneness with Him.

“Believing herself to be the infant Krishna, one Gopika, kicked forcefully the chest of the other Gopika who had assumed the role of demon Shatakasura. The Gopika who played the role of Trṇavarta, carried away the Gopika who was playing the role of infant Krishna. One Gopika dragged herself on all fours believing herself to be infant Krishna”.

They were enacting all His childhood deeds. In thought, word and deed they had identified with Him totally. Even in that madness, they did not deviate from the Lord. They did not engage in any sinful activity.

“Two Gopikas imitated the actions of Balarama and Krishna and pretended to kill the Gopika who had assumed the role of demon Vatsa. Another Gopika imitated Krishna and pretended to kill the demon who assumed the role of demon Bakasura”.

They perfectly imitated the actions of the Lord who had incarnated in human form. Even as they imitated Him, they were searching for Him. Each of them was busy with their own imitation of Krishna’s activities. Each of them had attained oneness with Him and thus perfectly imitated His actions.

“One Gopika took up a flute and sported just as Krishna did, pretending to call out to the cows that were far away, while other Gopikas clapped and applauded her. Another Gopika, whose mind was fixed exclusively upon Srikrishna, put her hand lovingly upon the shoulder of another Gopika saying, “I am Krishna- observe my delicate gait”.

Thus, they were expressing their inner feelings concerning Krishna.

“Do not fear the rain and wind. I am your protector and hence will protect you all”- said one Gopika repeating the words of Srikrishna while lifting up the pallu of her sari as if it were Mountain Govardhana”.

Narayana Narayana
