SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 13/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0725: Krishna addresses the Gopikas who had come rushing to see Him

Narayana Krishna

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Those women who could not go to meet Krishna, meditated upon Him by fixing the mind completely upon Him. During meditation, they mentally embraced Him and derived unending bliss. Considering Krishna to be their paramour, they merged into Him. They were freed from the shackles of karma having abandoned the identification with this body, which is the outcome of the three attributes of Nature’ said Maharishi Śuka.”

How fortunate were these women! What great ascetics they would have been to obtain such merger? They treated the Lord as their husband. They wanted to be with him and hence discarded all which pertains to this gross body.

Emperor Parikshit enquired, “O Maharishi Śuka! These women considered Krishna as their beloved but not as the Supreme Lord. Moreover, they considered their body to be their Self, isn’t it? Under these circumstances, how could they obtain freedom from this samsāra which is a flow of unending joys and sorrows?”

Parikshit wanted to know how the women, who considered Krishna to be their beloved husband and not as the Supreme Lord, could exit from this endless cycle of re-births.

Maharishi Śuka replied, “O Emperor, previously I have explained this concept subtly when explaining that Śiśupāla, the king of Chedi, who despised the Lord, obtained liberation. This being the case, is there a specific need to mention that those who love the Lord dearly will obtain liberation?

The indestructible Supreme Lord Srihari is beyond all proofs and logic. This Lord, who is the inner dweller, is devoid of traits (nirguna). Purely with the intent of blessing the mankind with liberation, He manifests in distinct form.

The Gopikas due to their unending love, Śiśupala due to aversion, Kamsa due to fear, Arjuna due to pure friendship and Narada due to unflinching devotion, focussed entirely upon the Lord thereby securing liberation”.

Here they are drawing our attention to incidents that have already been completed and to incidents that are going to take place in future. Based on the strength of their emotion, each of them fixed their mind solely upon the Lord. Any person who thus fixes the mind unendingly upon the Lord obtains absolute liberation. These incidents stand as proof. We should aspire to develop such devotion.

“This Lord, who is birthless, is the Lord for all supreme Yogis. It is incorrect to entertain such doubts regarding Him because it is only His grace that enables living entities to obtain liberation”.

Maharishi Śuka is asking Parikshit to not entertain any doubts regarding the Lord. ‘I had forewarned you at the beginning of this Rāsa kreeda to not entertain any doubts. However Parikshit, in the beginning itself you are entertaining doubts. The moment you heard that the ladies considered Krishna to be their husband, doubts stemmed up in you. What is this?

Maharishi Śuka then continued, “Srikrishna, the best among the eloquent speakers, noticed the women who had come running towards Him and, while deluding them with His flattery and persuasive words, said,

“O fortunate women, you are truly blessed. Welcome to this place. Please let me know what I can do for you’?”

This is exactly the way the Lord throws into delusion. He was the one who caused everything and now was enquiring what he should do for them.

“Is everything fine in Gokula? What could be the reason for this sudden visit to this place?”

Isn’t it a wonder? This Lord played the flute in such a melodious way that it caused the women-folk to be enticed and thereafter He asks them the reason for their visit. Although He was aware of the reason behind their visit, He was enquiring as if He knew nothing. Just as the calves rush towards the cows, just as wives run towards their husbands, just as devotees run to their God, just as a hungry person run towards food and just as the chicks run to their mothers, these ladies had come running there and now this handsome Krishna was enquiring the purpose for their visit.

“In this fearsome portion of the night when ferocious animals wander freely why have you arrived here? Please return to your homes. It is unsafe for ladies to be wandering in these forests during darkness. Your mothers, fathers, husbands, brothers and sons will be anxiously searching for you at homes, hence please return and put their anxieties to rest. Please do not trouble them needlessly. Your husbands are troubled by your absence. Your children are wailing for you”.

Just see the drama being enacted by the Lord. It was He who was responsible for this mischief and He was pushing the blame upon the Gopikas. When the younger sibling is fast asleep, the elder one pinches him/her and silently walks away. The mother who runs to attend to the weeping child fails to figure out the reason. She cajoles the younger child which further infuriates the elder one and as such upon finding another suitable opportunity, he once again pinches his brother/ sister.

Here Krishna had enchanted the minds of all the thousands of Gopikas with His melodious music and then, when they ran towards Him, He reminded them of their children who were wailing for them and of their husbands who needed to be served. He thus made them cry.

Narayana Narayana
