SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 13/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0724:The Gopikas abandon their chores and run to see the Lord

Krishna Hare Narayana

“The sound of His flute stole the hearts of the Gopikas. This divine music intensified their love towards the Supreme Lord. The minds of the women-folk of Gokula, who heard this music, overflowed with love towards the Supreme Lord Krishna and as such, they left their homes and ran eagerly towards Him. As each of them ran hurriedly, unaware of the others who were running, their earrings moved back and forth with great speed”.

None of the ladies informed the others that they were stepping out. Their minds were captivated with the music and they ran hurriedly. They were unaware of the others who were running in the direction of the sound. As they ran, their glittering earrings rocked back and forth.

“All of them assembled at the place where their dearest Krishna was located. None other than Krishna was visible to their eyes. Each Gopika believed that she was alone with Krishna. Wherever she saw, only Krishna was visible”.

Each woman believed she alone was running towards Krishna. Only Krishna was visible to her eyes, others were not. This can be interpreted in different ways. One way is to state that the lady was in an extreme urgency to reach the place and hence was unaware of the presence of others who were running alongside her. The other way is to state that the Lord enveloped them completely in His illusion. Upon reaching the place, each of them could see only Krishna and hence believed that only she and Krishna were present there, when in reality thousands of Gopikas had assembled there.

“Some Gopikas, whose enthusiasm had soared significantly with this call of Krishna, abandoned the task of milking the cows and ran hurriedly. Those who had kept vessels full of milk for boiling abandoned this task and, without even removing the vessel from the hearth, ran urgently. Those Gopikas who had kept the wheat grains for cooking ran without even removing the vessel from the hearth”.

From this, it is evident that wheat was a staple food in that eon. It is said that millets were largely consumed. These days people switch to millets due to their health benefits, but in those eons it was part of their dietary habits. Chappatis made of millet flour and wheat flour were common. Similarly, cooked wheat grains and millet grains were used in lieu of rice. Enthralled by his music, these ladies abandoned their chores and ran anxiously towards Him.

“Those who were serving food to their husbands, those who were feeding their infants as well as those who were eating, abandoned their tasks and ran hurriedly”.

Such was the power of the music! It was so melodious and enthralling. Upon hearing it, the ladies were filled with pangs of separation from the Lord and hence they ran in that direction.

“Gopikas who were applying sandal paste and other fragrances to their bodies discarded these tasks and ran. Others who were applying kohl (kajal) to their eyes left that task and even those who were bathing left that task and ran.”

The lady who had applied kohl to one eye did not even bother to wait until she completed applying it to the other eye. She simply dropped the kohl and ran quickly. She did not bother about her appearance.

“In their anxiety to quickly reach the place, Gopikas wore their sari haphazardly and untidily. Some Gopikas wore their jewellery in a wrong fashion. While they wore bracelets to their feet, they put on their anklets on their wrists. They wore their waistband around their neck and their long chains were used as waistbands. They had completely forgotten themselves and their surroundings. Their senses continued to function but their mind was fixed on the Lord. Their husbands, parents, brothers and relatives tried to prevent them from running, but the Gopikas who were captivated by Krishna’s love paid no heed”.

Even in the past we have heard how the wives of the Brahmins ran to meet Krishna despite the flak faced from their husbands.

“Some Gopikas who could not leave the house, fixed their minds solely upon Krishna, closed their eyes and meditated upon Him”.

Those women who were forcibly prevented, or who due to other circumstances could not go to meet Krishna, fixed their minds solely upon Him and meditated.

“Separation from their beloved Krishna became unbearable to them and they agonized a lot. Due to this intense longing to see Krishna and the unbearable agony experienced, all their sins, as well as their impure tendencies, were completely washed out”.

Their minds craved only for Srikrishna. They sought to be in His presence, play with Him, talk to Him, listen to the music played by Him and follow Him. Barring this, no other desire emerged in their minds. How can impure tendencies remain in them, under these circumstances?

“Those women who could not go to meet Krishna, meditated upon Him by fixing the mind completely upon Him. During meditation, they mentally embraced Him and derived unending bliss”.

In that state of meditation, they mentally embraced the Lord who is the creator, guardian, protector of the entire creation.

Govinda Govinda
