SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 13/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0722: Krishna rescues father Nanda from the clutches of Varuna

Krishna Govinda Narayana

Tenth Canto Chapter Twenty-eight

In this chapter, Krishna recuing his father Nanda from the abode of Varuna is covered.

Maharishi Śuka continued, ‘On the eleventh day of the lunar fortnight (ekadaśi), King Nanda fasted completely and dutifully worshipped Srihari, the destroyer of foes. In the early hours of the next morning (dwadaśi) he entered into the waters of Yamuna for a bath. However it was still dark and was a time conducive for the demons’.”

Bathing in the rivers during nights is forbidden and is said to be sinful. Especially at mid-night when the time is conducive for demonic energies, one should not step into the waters.

‘Nanda who was unware of this rule stepped into the river for bath. One of the servants of Varuna caught Nanda and presented him before his master Varuna. When the cowherds who were there for Nanda’s protection, could not spot Nanda in the waters, they cried out loudly, ‘O Krishna, O Balarama.’

Hearing these cries, Srikrishna realized that his father Nanda had been captured by Lord Varuna, the lord of water. Srikrishna, the protector of his kinsmen, immediately went to meet Varuna.

Varuna, the presiding deity for the western direction, observed the Supreme Lord approaching his abode, the Varuna loka. The sight of the Divine Lord filled him with great enthusiasm”.

Now that Krishna had lifted up the Govardhana Mountain and protected his kinsmen, all the Devatas and other celestials realized His supremacy. They recognized Him as the Supreme Lord who had incarnated in a human form. They no longer doubted His transcendence. Nanda too had been secretively doubting Krishna’s transcendence until the latter lifted up the mountain. Situations thereafter also caused him to reveal the prophetic statements of Maharishi Garga to the other inhabitants of Brindavan. With this, not only Nanda, but also all the other members of the clan revered Krishna as the Supreme Lord who had incarnated in their midst.

“In great happiness, Varuna worshipped Krishna and after offering Him many gifts and welcoming him reverentially said,

‘O Lord, today my birth has attained fulfilment. For years I have been longing to see You which could be accomplished today. O Supreme Lord, those who seek shelter under Your holy feet reach the other shore of this ocean called samsāra i.e. they obtain liberation’.”

Varuna implied- I couldn’t leave my abode and travel to see You. By creating this incident, You have come here and are blessing me with Your darshan.

Namas tubhyaṁ bhagavate brahmaṇe paramātmane

Na yatra śrūyate māyā loka-sṛṣṭi-vikalpanā

You are the absolute Supreme Lord who is devoid of attributes and form. You alone are the Lord with attributes (saguna). You are the Self that exists within close proximity to the living entity. To You, O Lord, I offer obeisance.

Illusionary energy (maya shakti) is the support for all the various creations. It is the support for the various imaginations. Behind the existence of this universe and behind the existence of all the living entities in this universe there is some intent and imagination. Vedas declare that such illusionary energy does not have an existence separate from You.

My ignorant servant is a fool who has no idea of his duties. Without understanding that he (Nanda) is Your father, he brought him here. Although this is a grave mistake, we beg your pardon for it.

O Srikrishna! You are the eternal witness. O Govinda, you have great affection for your father. In search of him You have arrived at my doorstep. Please bless me by showering upon me the love similar to that which you shower upon your father. Please take your father along with you’. Through these prayers, Varuna pleased the Supreme Lord Srikrishna, the ruler of the universe.

The inhabitants of Brindavan were immensely pleased to see Nanda. The affluence of Varuna, the Guardian-deity, is beyond the perception of the eyes. Nanda was fortunate to witness it. In addition, Nanda was astonished to witness the humility that all the inhabitants of that plane showed before Krishna. In great elation, he shared this news with all his kinsmen. With this, the inhabitants of Brindavan realized that Krishna was none other than the Supreme Lord himself!”

They who had until recently believed that he was a boy who had with him some supernatural powers as a result of his past penance and other similar activities, now understood that he was the Lord himself. When Krishna killed demons, they presumed that he had used his mystical powers and were satisfied with that understanding. However when he lifted up an entire mountain effortlessly, they were baffled. How could a boy who was no more than seven years, hold up an entire mountain? ‘How come we never suspected his divinity when, immediately upon birth, he killed Putana? Why didn’t we understand his supremacy when he killed Dhenukasura? Why didn’t we suspect his transcendence when he drove the poisonous Kaliya out of the pond? More importantly, why didn’t we understand his greatness when he rendered the entire pond free from poison? When he swallowed fire, why didn’t we see his transcendence? Now this boy went to Varuna loka in order to rescue his father.

“Will this Supreme Lord show to us His supreme abode, which is beyond the perception of the senses?- such eagerness arose in every mind.”

Krishna Narayana
