SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0717: Indra’s pride is quelled

Narayana Krishna

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Even as the inhabitants of Brindavan were watching, for a period of seven continuous days, Krishna steadily held up the mountain with His hand, without moving an inch from His place and while completely ignoring the pangs of hunger and thirst. He remained totally unconcerned about His personal comforts”.

It was raining cats and dogs without even a second’s respite throughout these seven days. Not even for a second Lord Krishna sought any rest.

“Along with the torrential rains, which resembled thick columns of water, rocks as well as huge hailstones were also being hurled to the ground. Heavy gale winds accompanying them were causing misery everywhere. Nevertheless, under Krishna’s protection, the inhabitants of Brindavan were safe and secure. Not a drop of water fell on them who were resting under the huge mountain being held by Krishna. The waters inundated all the surrounding areas but much to everyone’s astonishment, not a drop of water seeped into this downslope created due to the lifting of the mountain. The waters that were heavily pouring down appeared like thick walls that barricaded the inhabitants from the external world. In astonishment, the inhabitants of Brindavan gaped at the external surrounding and then again, in great bewilderment, they stared at the Lord who was holding up the mountain.

While some sang happily in delight seeing Krishna’s wonderful deed, some panicked that the mountain could collapse on them. They were swimming in a sea of emotions. Despite the teeming population, there was ample place for them all to move around.

Indra was deeply astonished at this transcendental power exhibited by Krishna. With this, his pride was completely crushed”.

Indra was astounded. Contrary to his expectations, these people were singing, dancing, eating and merrily enjoying themselves in Krishna’s care. What am I in front of Krishna, who playfully uprooted the mountain and held it up for seven continuous days? He pinched himself.

“Indra, whose purpose had been defeated, felt humiliated. There was nothing he could do. His illusion would fade in front of the divine illusion created by Krishna”.

Initially he had jeered at the Lord mistaking him for an ordinary mortal. He planned to show his might and destroy the village thereby quelling Krishna’s pride. To his utter shock, his plans had boomeranged.

“He now recalled the clouds. Immediately thereafter, the Sun shone brightly in the skies. The torrential tempestuous rainfall came to an end. Gale winds vanished. Seeing this, Krishna, the Lord who had lifted up Govardhana mountain, said,

‘O cowherds, discard all fears and taking your wives, children, cattle and other belongings, safely return home. The rains and winds have ceased. The waters in the rivers have returned to normalcy’.

Hearing this, the cowherds packed all their belongings into their bullock- carts and together with their families, belongings, cattle and their aged members, safely exited from the cave.

Even as all the people were watching, Krishna, the Lord of the universe who is of infinite energies, playfully restored the mountain back to its original position. The hearts of all the inhabitants of Gokula were overflowing with love. All of them hugged Him in great ecstasy. They shouted victory slogans applauding Him. Through songs, dance and other such activities they expressed their happiness and love”.

Despite witnessing this supreme transcendental deed, the dilemma whether he was human or divine continued to perplex them!

“In great happiness and delight, the Gopikas bathed the little boy with coloured rice, curd and fragrant waters and thereby conveyed their blessings upon Him. Nanda, Yashoda, Rohini along with Balarama, the foremost among the most powerful men, anxiously approached Krishna and embraced Him affectionately and showered their blessings upon Him.

Seven nights had gone by as if it was seven seconds. What was this illusion? It was perplexing even to Balarama. In great love, he embraced his younger brother.

Troops of Devatas, accomplished Siddhas, Cāranas, Gandharvas and other celestials rained flowers upon the Lord in great happiness. They extolled him profusely. The Devatas blew conches and kettle drums in heaven to express their delight. Tambura and other Gandharva chiefs sang in His praise. The entire world reverberated with divine sounds.

Thereafter, together with Balarama, Krishna accompanied by all the denizens of Brindavan, returned back to His hamlet. The Gopikas, whose hearts were overflowing with love, returned to their respective homes singing the glory of Srikrishna who had lifted up the Govardhana Mountain”.

With this the twenty-fifth chapter of the tenth canto comes to an end.

Krishna Srihari.
