SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0716: Krishna lifts up the Govardhana Mountain

Krishna Srihari

Maharishi Śuka continued,

“The cowherd men and women, who were unable to withstand this onslaught any longer, collectively prayed,

‘Kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa mahā-bhāga tvan-nāthaḿ gokulaḿ prabho

Trātu-marhasi devān naḥ kupitād bhakta-vatsala

O Srikrishna! O Krishna! O great Mahatma, you love your devotees treating them as your children. O Lord, you are the protector of Gokula. You alone are capable of protecting us, our cattle and our hamlet from the wrath of Indra’.

Krishna observed that all animals and other living entities were being badly beaten due to the thunderstorm accompanied by hail”.

Indra had caused this destruction angered by the fact that the people had put their faith in Krishna, who was a mere mortal, and thereby had neglected offering him his due worship. Indra considered Krishna to be a mortal who had a limited lifespan. How could humans rely on the words of another human and discredit him and deprive him of his share of offerings- thought Indra. I am the Lord of all the stars and planets. I am of eternal existence.

“Krishna grasped that the destruction was the outcome of Indra’s frenzy. He thought, ‘Infuriated that we have stopped his Yāga and angry that he was deprived of the yagna-offerings Indra is determined to destroy us all. These thunderstorms accompanied by hail, that are unseasonal, are the expression of his anger. Rocks are falling upon us. The tempestuous winds that wreak havoc fill us with trepidation.

I shall, using my capabilities, adopt an effective measure to set right the situation. I shall show him my power. I shall destroy the ignorance and arrogance of Indra and other Guardian- deities who, due to foolishness, are puffed up with their power and affluence. His power, position and wealth have caused him to swell up.

Devatas have minds composed of the traits of goodness (sattva) and hence it is improper for them to be conceited that they are the rulers of the universe. I have to eradicate this arrogance in them. I shall teach them a befitting reply’.”

Devatas are primarily filled with pure traits, however arrogance due to their position as rulers of the universe enters into them, filling them with the foolish feeling that they are unsurpassed and unbeatable. As such it is necessary to pluck out this arrogance.

“Krishna continued, ‘When I quell the pride of the people, it dispels their difficulties thereby causing their well-being. I am the protector of Gokula and of its inhabitants. I have accepted them as my kith and kin. As such, using my divine supernatural powers, I shall safeguard these thousands of people who have sought shelter under me. In abidance with my vow of protecting the virtuous, I shall offer them protection.’

Having concluded thus, Krishna forthwith went and uprooted the enormous Mountain Govardhana with one hand and held it up as if it were a tiny umbrella. The enormous mountain with its vast base could provide shelter simultaneously to thousands of people. Just as a small boy playfully uproots a mushroom and holds it up, Krishna lifted up the Mountain Govardhana, and while holding it up said to the cowherds,

‘O mother, O father and other inhabitants of Gokula! All of you assemble beneath this mountain- base together with all your cattle and rest peacefully here. Discard the apprehension that the mountain will slip off my hand and fall. Fear not the tempestuous winds and the rains that are lashing Brindavan. By lifting up this mountain I am protecting you all from these extremities of Nature. The hail stones and the gale winds cannot harm you who are thus protected by me’. Through these words, Krishna reassured them and filled them with faith”.

Krishna implied, ‘Do not panic. Do not ponder whether the place lacks the ability to accommodate the lakhs of people and millions of cows. This place will accommodate as many living entities as required. It will expand infinitely so as to accommodate every living entity that seeks protection’. Playfully He was holding it up as if it were an umbrella and it appeared as if he was swirling it playfully.

Joyfully shouting, ‘Krishna, Govinda’, all of the residents of Brindavan now entered the space beneath the mountain together with all their cattle, their many bullock carts, other dependents such as their servants etc. and made themselves comfortable in that space which was vast enough to accommodate them all”.

Narayana Krishna
