SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 06/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0711: The Brahmins are engulfed by the fire of repentance

Krishna Narayana

“The Brahmins lamented, ‘Surely Lord Srihari’s illusion deludes even the most-supreme Yogis. This is because we, who are the Gurus for mankind, failed to understand the true goal of life and got deluded.

Due to arrogance, foolishness and laziness we failed to see the Lord when He was at a close distance. Pride due to knowledge and pride due to power kept us away from Him. Despite all tall claims of being supremely learned we, in reality, are ignorant. When the Lord asks for food, then isn’t His request far more supreme than any Yagna ritual? The same Lord to whom we offer food in Yagna personally asked for food. Oho! In our foolishness, we ignored His demand. Aha! Giving up every form of desire, these ladies developed unsurpassed devotion towards Srihari, the Lord of the universe’.”

In general, ladies are filled with feelings of devotion towards the Lord. Bhagavatam has declared that ladies indeed have more devotion towards the Lord than men. The lady who has deep devotion is willing to give up her life for that cause. Such will be her devotion!

“The men grieved, ‘The ladies broke free from the noose called house and household ties. Breaking free from the snare of husband, children, Yagna and its corresponding rituals, they sought refuge in the Lord. These ladies did not undergo the sacred thread ceremony nor did they undergo Vedic schooling as we men do. They are unconnected with the karmic rituals stipulated for men. Despite it they were able to cultivate unflinching devotion towards Krishna. Isn’t it laudable?

Neither did they undertake penance nor did they engage themselves in Self-enquiry as we do. Neither did they engage in Vedantic discussions nor did they strive to obtain Self-knowledge. Neither does purity exist in them nor do they participate in any meritorious deeds stipulated for us by the Vedas. Despite this, they possess unflinching devotion towards Srikrishna, who is of pure repute. Isn’t this astonishing?

What more can be said of their accomplishment! Unlike us these women did not spend their entire lifetime completing the prescribed rituals, yet they were blessed with the rare fortune of seeing the Lord face to face.

Srikrishna, the Supreme Lord, is the Lord for all Yogeshwaras. Although we have undergone the sacred thread ceremony and pursued Vedic schooling, we lack devotion towards Him. Our power of penance is limitless. Our dedication to our rituals is supreme. Yet we lack faith in Him. Of what use is our dedication and learning? Noble saints seek only the Supreme Lord. Deluded by the household ties, we, the learned Brahmins, instead sought heavenly comforts and other desires. Fie on our foolishness”.

There is a Vedic hymn which explains the results of prayers. It states that a person who seeks Chintamani gem can obtain only the best worldly luxuries. That is all it grants. The person who prays to Indra will at best obtain positions in heaven. Contrary to this, those who pray to the Supreme Lord believing Him to be the sole refuge, obtain Vaikunṭha, the highest and best of all planes. They obtain that plane where Guru for all Gurus, the Lord of all Lords, the Supreme Lord resides. He is the form of wind, He is the form of fire, He is over and above the five elements. If only we could wisely seek shelter under Him, how wonderful it would be?

“The Brahmins grieved, ‘Through the cowherd boys, He tried to awaken us. Sadly we, who were lost in our own activities of our self-interest, ignored His call. Even when our wives rushed to see Him, we failed to grasp His true identity. How deluded we were! This is undoubtedly true, for in reality, what benefit can Lord Krishna, who governs the entire creation, obtain through us? Why would He who rules the creation ask us for food, when it is He who supplies food to the entire universe? By overriding His commands, we have betrayed Him’.”

The Brahmins were being engulfed by the fire of repentance. Hearing their wives describing Krishna, their regret further intensified.

“He is the Lord whose desires are all completely fulfilled. He is the Lord who fulfills all desires of others including those of heaven and liberation. His supplication of rice (food) was only an excuse. In order to obtain the chance to touch His lotus feet, Mother Goddess Lakshmi, sets aside fickleness and her other inherent weaknesses, and serves Him diligently. We foolishly lost the opportunity to have darshan of those holy feet which are served by Mother Goddess Lakshmi.

That such a Supreme Lord begged us for food is nothing but another play to delude us, the ordinary humans. Our haughtiness caused us to forego this opportunity of merging into Him.

The various ingredients used in Yagna, the various auspicious times and places when Yagnas are conducted, the mantras chanted during the Yagna, the priests who oversee it, the various rituals of the Yagna, the sacred fires invoked therein, the various deities invoked therein, the person conducting the Yagna, the Yagna and the various results bestowed by the Yagna are nothing but manifestations of the Supreme Lord’.”

There was no limit to their repentance. They wept, lamented and blamed themselves for it.

Krishna Srihari
